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First Generation E-Rulemaking: An Assessment of Regulatory Agency Websites

Stuart Shapiro and Cary Coglianese, First Generation E-Rulemaking: An Assessment of Regulatory Agency Websites (April 11, 2007). University of Pennsylvania Law School. Scholarship at Penn Law. Paper 153.

  • “We examine 89 websites from federal regulatory agencies in order to evaluate their ease of use for those interested in commenting on or learning about their proposed regulations. We find that while there has been a lot of attention given to second and third generation “e-rulemaking” efforts, agency websites, a first generation innovation, still have considerable room for improvement. Notwithstanding legislative and executive branch efforts to enhance the accessibility of regulatory information on the Internet, our coding of regulatory agency websites reveals considerable variation in the quality of agency websites, with many websites still failing to provide relatively basic features.”
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