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Federal Reserve Bank of NY RFP: Sentiment Analysis And Social Media Monitoring Solution

Federal Reserve Bank of New York – Sentiment Analysis And Social Media Monitoring Solution. Request for Proposal (Event-6994)

  • “Social media platforms are changing the way organizations are communicating to the public. Conversations are happening all the time and everywhere. There is need for the Communications Group to be timely and proactively aware of the reactions and opinions expressed by the general public as it relates to the Federal Reserve and its actions on a variety of subjects…Mandatory Minimum Solution Requirements: The solution must support content coming from different countries and geographical regions. It should also support multiple languages…The solution must be able to gather data from the primary social media platforms –Facebook, Twitter, Blogs, Forums and YouTube. It should also be able to aggregate data from various media outlets such as: CNN, WSJ, Factiva etc…The solution must provide real-time monitoring of relevant conversations. It should provide sentiment analysis (positive, negative or neutral) around key conversational topics. It must be able to provide summaries or high level overviews of a specific set of topics. It should have a configurable dashboard that can easily be accessed by internal analysts or management. The dashboard must support customization by user or group access. The solution should provide an alerting mechanism that automatically sends out reports or notifications based a predefined trigger… The solution must be able to integrate with existing FRBNY echnologies such as: Google Search appliance, Lotus notes suite and web trends. It must have support for single sign on or windows integrated authentication.”
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