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FDIC Quarterly Banking Profile – Third Quarter 2010

FDIC Quarterly Banking Profile, Third Quarter 2010: “Resilient revenues and improving asset quality remained a positive combination for insured institution earnings in the third quarter. Net income for the 7,760 insured commercial banks and savings institutions reporting quarterly financial results totaled $14.5 billion, a considerable improvement over the $2 billion reported a year ago. Third quarter net income was below the $17.7 billion and $21.4 billion reported in the first and second quarters of this year, respectively, but the shortfall was attributable to a $10.1 billion quarterly net loss at one large institution that had a $10.4 billion charge for goodwill impairment. Absent this loss, third quarter earnings would have represented a three-year high. Almost two out of every three institutions (63.3 percent) reported higher net income than a year earlier, and fewer than one in five (18.9 percent) was unprofitable. This is the lowest percentage of unprofitable institutions since second quarter 2008. A year ago, more than 27 percent of all institutions reported negative net income.”

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