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EC Public Consultation on Derivative and Market Infrastructure

Consultation on Derivatives and Market Infrastructures – frequently asked questions – “Why has the Internal Market and Services Directorate General of the European Commission launched another public consultation on Derivatives and Market Infrastructures? The European Commission adopted a Communication on “Ensuring efficient, safe and sound derivatives markets – future policy actions”, on 20th October 2009 after a full consultation on a previous Communication of July 2009 (COM(2009)332) and accompanying Staff Working Paper and Consultation Paper (see IP/09/1546). In this Communication, the Commission outlined the policy actions it intended to take to address the problems of OTC (over-the-counter) derivatives markets. Since then, the Internal Market and Services Directorate General of the European Commission has been developing more detailed measures in this respect. Following better regulation principles and considering the significant impact that the announced policy actions are likely to have on the markets, the Internal Market DG would now like to consult all interested stakeholders on these detailed measures. This consultation, which is open until 10 July 2010, is the final step before the Commission proposes legislative proposals in September.”

  • European Commission Public Consultation on Derivative and Market Infrastructure
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