“In January of 2009, President Barack Obama issued a memorandum addressed to the executive heads of departments and agencies called Transparency and Open Government. Even as the White House and Office of Management and Budget make great strides forward with the recent Open Government Directive, there arent any measures in place to assess citizens current perceptions of federal transparency, collaboration opportunities, and their trust in government, much less any clear direction on how to improve those things. You cannot manage what you do not measure, and without adequate measurement in place, government agencies will not be able to measure success, failure, and/or progress. Without adequate measurement in place, the government will have a difficult time achieving the transparency and openness goals of the Obama administration if they dont know where they stand today regarding how citizens perceive their performance. With this goal in mind (and at the request of numerous government agencies who wanted a more concrete measure to report), we developed and tested an accurate, actionable, precise way to measure how citizens view government transparency and to quantify the relationships between online transparency, trust, and the likelihood to participate and collaborate with government agencies.”
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