DOJ Summary of Annual FOIA Reports For Fiscal Year 2014 – “In FY 2014, the federal government overall received 714,231 FOIA requests, continuing a four year trend of surpassing the record high number of requests received during a fiscal year. The additional 9,837 requests received is a 1.4% increase from the previous record high number of requests received (704,394) during FY 2013. For the sixth consecutive year, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) received the most requests with 291,242. This is a 26% increase in the total number of requests received by DHS from FY 2013’s 231,534. Notably, the volume of requests received by DHS over the past two fiscal years has increased by over 52%, and since Fiscal Year 2010 it has increased by over 65%. The Departments of Justice (DOJ), Defense (DOD), Health and Human Services (HHS), and Veterans Affairs (VA) received the second through fifth most requests during the fiscal year with 64,488, 61,055, 44,283, and 28,009, respectively. Combined, these five agencies received 489,077 requests, which accounts for over 68 % of all requests received across the government during the fiscal year. Of the remaining federal agencies, only the Social Security Administration (SSA) and the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) received more than 20,000 requests with 26 ,889 and 22,237, respectively. Twenty-t wo agencies received between 1,000 and 20,000 requests during FY 2014, with another twenty-seven receiving between 100 and 850 requests. Forty- four agencies received less than 100 requests.”
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