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DOJ OIG Statement – Senate Hearing on Building an Effective Terrorist Screening System

Statement of Glenn A. Fine, Inspector General, U.S. Department of Justice before the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs concerning Watching the Watchlist: Building an Effective Terrorist Screening System, October 24, 2007. Available in either PDF or HTML.
Related government documents:

  • Press release: “Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee Chairman Joe Lieberman, ID-Conn, and Ranking Member Susan Collins R-Me., Wednesday called on the federal government to continue to strengthen the nation’s terrorist watch list to prevent entry into the country of people who are known threats and to allow those wrongly stopped at the border a reasonable and timely system of redress.
  • GAO Reports released on October 24, 2007: Terrorist Watch List Screening: Opportunities Exist to Enhance Management Oversight, Reduce Vulnerabilities in Agency Screening Processes, and Expand Use of the List, GAO-08-110, October 11, 2007; and Terrorist Watch List Screening: Recommendations to Enhance Management Oversight, Reduce Potential Screening Vulnerabilities, and Expand Use of the List, GAO-08-194T, October 24, 2007
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