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DOJ FOIA Post – Guidance on Submitting Updated Status Reports to the

“As part of the June 1, 2007 report to the President on agency progress under Executive Order 13,392, “Improving Agency Disclosure of Information,” the Attorney General recommended that agencies submit to the President’s Management Council an Updated Status Report concerning any deficiency reported by the agency in its Fiscal Year 2006 annual FOIA report. This Updated Status Report must describe the specific steps already taken, or which the agency has committed to take in the future, to remedy any deficiency the agency has encountered in implementing its FOIA Improvement Plan. Set out [in this release] is the text of the guidance distributed by the Office of Information and Privacy to all Chief FOIA Officers concerning the content of the Updated Status Reports. These reports are required to be submitted first in draft form to the Office of Information and Privacy by July 18, 2007. Each agency, through its Chief FOIA Officer, must then submit the final report to the Chair of the President’s Management Council by August 1, 2007.”

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