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DOD Reading Lists Aim to Promote Personal, Professional Growth

Reading Lists Aim to Promote Personal, Professional Growth, By Donna Miles
American Forces Press Service: “Legend has it that Alexander the Great slept with a copy of The Iliad, Homer’s epic tale set during the Trojan War, under his pillow. Almost 2,500 years later, professional reading remains an important part of the military culture. Every service, most professional military schools and an increasing number of geographic and combatant commands offer up reading programs and reading lists as part of their professional development efforts. In fact, many have multiple reading lists, aimed at different groups within the military at different ranks and stages of their careers. Navy Adm. James G. Stavridis, commander of U.S. European Command and NATO’s supreme allied commander for Europe, recently took this initiative to a new level with an online video encouraging all of his command to check out the Eucom reading list. The list is divided into sections with books about different phases of European history, culture and languages, as well as works of literary fiction that provide insight into European culture.”

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