Oregon Justice Resource Center: “Public awareness and concern about over-criminalization and over-incarceration has grown significantly in recent years but much of that attention is focused in the wrong places. What happens at the national level tends to be in the spotlight much of the time, despite the fact that most people entering our prisons and jails are sent there by local – not federal – criminal justice systems. The harrowing cellphone videos seen around the world of people being gunned down by police in communities across America have understandably created outrage and anguish. Police brutality, and the ways in which the law is enforced on our streets – and against whom – are desperately important. But behind the minute-by-minute decisions made by cops on patrol are other, more powerful actors who are setting standards and defining what is important and what is not when it comes to how we as a society address what we have defined as crime. It is with that understanding that we have created a new advocacy document called Disrupting Mass Incarceration at the Local Level: A Guide to Mapping Reform.”
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