Digital by Default or by Detour? Assessing User Centric eGovernment performance in Europe – eGovernment Benchmark 2012: “Software is an essential tool of production in every sector of the modern economy. Enterprises of all sorts rely on it to design products, provide services, communicate with customers, and manage operations. But software contributes considerably more value to national economies if it is properly licensed than it does if it is pirated. Indeed, properly licensed software has a positive impact on national economic activity that is more than three times the impact of pirated software, according to a new study from BSA | The Software Alliance. And the additional economic value associated with lawful software use is especially pronounced in developing markets: Every dollar invested in properly licensed software in low-income countries yields an astounding $437 in additional national production, on average. These are among the findings of an analysis conducted for BSA by INSEAD, one of the world’s most prominent business schools and respected research institutions. Drawing on data from 95 countries, the study confirms that increasing use of properly licensed software in a national market corresponds to substantial positive gains in gross domestic product (GDP). It also reveals that licensed software has a greater economic stimulus effect than pirated software.”