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Dexa AI-powered podcast search engine

Dexa’s AI-powered search engine was specifically built with multi-modal expert content in mind. We’re able to index, analyze and transcribe every conversation with such precision that we can tell users exactly who was speaking, what they said and when in the episode they said it. Already, more than 50,000 users are visiting Dexa’s site each month to search for advice and insight on questions like “How do I ask for a raise at work?” or “What is the best programming language to learn in 2024?” or “What are the benefits of intermittent fasting?” Since our initial launch just nine months ago, we’ve answered nearly 1M queries, connecting users with text and clips from partner podcasts like Huberman Lab, Seth Godin, Lewis Howes, Rhonda Patrick, and Tom Bilyeu, without the need to search through endless episodes in a back catalog or reading long transcripts. We make it easy for users to connect with trusted sources, whether that’s shows they already follow or new ones we think they’ll like. As of today, Dexa users can take advantage of a slew of new features, including:

  • A new chat-based interface that allows users to ask follow-up questions
  • Search and discover functionality for podcasts, clips, and people
  • The ability to watch referenced clips from within the conversation…”

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