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Congress-Judiciary Pay Link Opposed by Former Lawmakers

Follow up to previous postings on judicial pay raises, see How to Pay the Piper: It’s Time to Call Different Tunes for Congressional and Judicial Salaries – Issues in Governance Studies, April 2007
“A group of former U.S. Senators and Representatives is preparing to call for Congress to end the practice of linking the salaries of federal judges and those of members of Congress, if Congress is hesitant to raise its own salaries. To assist in this effort, Brookings scholars and their colleagues at the American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research produced this paper to describe the history of interbranch salary linkage and to analyze it as policy. (The group includes former Senators Howard Baker, John Danforth, and Sam Nunn, and former Representatives Richard Gephardt, Henry Hyde, Susan Molinari, Leon Panetta and Louis Stokes.)”

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