Computer and Internet Use in the United States: Population Characteristics – by Tom File, May 2013, Census Bureau
“In 2011, more Americans connected to the Internet than ever before, although differences continued to exist between those with use and those without. Just as with differences in use, variation in the ways that people were connecting online and the frequency of
their use remained prevalent as well. This report provides household and individual level analysis of computer usage and Internet use. The findings are based on data collected in a July 2011 supplement to the Current Population Survey (CPS), which includes questions about computer ownership, Internet use both inside and outside the home, and the additional devices that people use to go online. The U.S. Census Bureau has asked questions in the CPS about computer use since 1984 and Internet use since 1997 This narrative report is complemented by a detailed table package that allows users to explore the data in more detail.”