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Commission seeks views on possible EU framework to deal with future bank failures

News release: “Following the publication of a Communication on 20 October 2010 on a European crisis management framework for the financial sector (see IP/10/1353), the European Commission has today launched a consultation on technical details underpinning that framework. Today’s consultation should be read in conjunction with that Communication. The Commission intends to come forward with a legislative proposal for a comprehensive framework for dealing with failing banks before the Summer of 2011. The deadline for contributions to this consultation is 3 March 2011. The possible options set out in this consultation would constitute a significant step for the EU in delivering the commitment made at the G20 summit in June 2010, by ensuring that authorities across the EU have the powers and tools to restructure or resolve (the process to allow for the managed failure of the financial institution) all types of financial institution in crisis, without taxpayers ultimately bearing the burden. They are also consistent with the principles for ensuring that resolution is a viable option for systemically important financial institutions that are being developed by the Financial Stability Board. This Consultation focuses on measures for banks and investment firms. The Commission will report by the end of 2011 on appropriate measures for other kinds of financial institution, including insurers and Central Counterparties.”

  • More information is available at Crisis Management
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