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Chamber of Commerce: The State of American Business 2009

The State of American Business 2009: “The nation is in a recession. Credit remains tight, jobs are scarce, and confidence is low. Basic industries, such as housing and autos, have yet to find the bottom of their downward spirals. Some stability has been restored to our financial system, but it remains in precarious health. The global economic slowdown has begun to shrink our export markets while helping fan the flames of isolationism both at home and abroad. While there is every reason for concern, there is no cause for despair. Americans have an opportunity to emerge from these difficulties with a more prosperous economy, a stronger nation, and a renewed reputation as a global leader…This means immediately enacting an economic stimulus package followed by significantly reforming our financial regulations, overhauling our public schools and workforce training programs, fixing our broken legal culture, and making major investments in infrastructure, energy, and technology.”

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