Follow up to related postings on public health and obesity, see this new CDC report: Obesity in K8 Students New York City, 200607 to 201011 School Years, Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR), December 16, 2011 / 60(49);1673-1678
“Overweight and obese children are more likely to develop risk factors that can lead to respiratory, metabolic, and cardiovascular illness. The increase in prevalence of childhood overweight and obesity in the United States since the 1960s has been well documented. In New York City, in 1996, an estimated 19.7% of third grade children and 21.2% of sixth grade children in public and private schools were found to be overweight; in 2003, an estimated 43% of the citys public elementary school students were found to be overweight, and 24% of these students were obese. To update city data on childhood obesity and evaluate public health interventions, the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene analyzed body mass index (BMI) data for public schoolchildren in kindergarten through eighth grade (K8), using data from the 200607 to 201011 school years. This report summarizes the results of that analysis, which found that, overall, the prevalence of obesity in grades K8 decreased 5.5%, from 21.9% in 200607 to 20.7% in 201011.”
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