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Category Archives: Wireless Web

GAO: Enhanced Data Collection Could Help FCC Better Monitor Competition in the Wireless Industry

Telecommunications: Enhanced Data Collection Could Help FCC Better Monitor Competition in the Wireless Industry, GAO-10-779, July 27, 2010 “Americans increasingly rely on wireless phones, with nearly 40 percent of households now using them primarily or solely. Under federal law, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is responsible for fostering a competitive wireless marketplace while ensuring that… Continue Reading

Google and Verizon offer joint policy proposal for an open Internet

Official Google Blog: “The original architects of the Internet got the big things right. By making the network open, they enabled the greatest exchange of ideas in history. By making the Internet scalable, they enabled explosive innovation in the infrastructure. It is imperative that we find ways to protect the future openness of the Internet… Continue Reading

Nielsen Reports What Americans Do Online: Social Media And Games Dominate Activity

“Americans spend nearly a quarter of their time online on social networking sites and blogs, up from 15.8 percent just a year ago (43 percent increase) according to new research released today from The Nielsen Company. The research revealed that Americans spend a third their online time (36 percent) communicating and networking across social networks,… Continue Reading

38 States AG Now Invetigating Google Street View

Follow up to Several State Attorneys General Announce Probes of Google Wireless Data Collection, this news release: “Attorney General Richard Blumenthal today on behalf of the executive committee of a 38-state coalition asked Google whether it tested its Street View software before use — which should have revealed that the program collected data transmitted over… Continue Reading

Pew Report – Mobile Access 2010

Mobile Access 2010 – Six in ten Americans go online wirelessly using a laptop or cell phone; African-Americans and 18-29 year olds lead the way in the use of cell phone data applications, but older adults are gaining ground. July 7, 2010. Aaron Smith, Research Specialist li>”Cell phone and wireless laptop internet use have each… Continue Reading

Presidential Memorandum: Unleashing the Wireless Broadband Revolution

Unleashing the Wireless Broadband Revolution: “Expanded wireless broadband access will trigger the creation of innovative new businesses, provide cost-effective connections in rural areas, increase productivity, improve public safety, and allow for the development of mobile telemedicine, telework, distance learning, and other new applications that will transform Americans’ lives. Spectrum and the new technologies it enables… Continue Reading

Privacy International: UK Police begin investigation into Google Wi-Fi grab

Follow up to Several State Attorneys General Announce Probes of Google Wireless Data Collection, via Privacy International, “Crime reference number 2318672/10 was today issued by London’s Metropolitan Police, marking the commencement of investigations into Google for alleged criminal interception of Wireless communications content. Privacy International, which brought the complaint, has been briefed by police on… Continue Reading

FCC Wireless World Fact Sheet and Online Resources

News release: “The Federal Communications Commission’s Consumer Task Force designated the week of June 21 as Wireless World Travel Week to coincide with the beginning of summer and a busy travel season. Americans make over 60 million international trips each year, and many take their mobile phones with them. Throughout the week, the FCC and… Continue Reading

Privacy International Launches System to Shed Light on Controversial Technologies

EPIC: “International watchdog Privacy International has announced the launch of a new website for bringing transparency to “technical mysteries” behind controversial systems. Cracking the Black Box identifies key questions regarding mysterious technologies and asks experts, whistleblowers, and other concerned parties to “help crack the box” by anonymously contributing ideas and input. The organization responsible for… Continue Reading