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Category Archives: Transportation

Approaches to Making Federal Highway Spending More Productive

Federal spending on highways does not correspond very well with how the roads are used. “CBO examines three approaches lawmakers could consider to make highway spending more productive: “Federal spending on highways (or, synonymously, roads) totaled $46 billion in 2014, roughly a quarter of total public spending on highways. About 95 percent of that amount… Continue Reading

GAO Reports – FAA, Medicaid, VA Health Care Budget

Federal Aviation Administration: Preliminary Observations of Potential Air Traffic Control Restructuring Transition Issues, GAO-16-386R: Published: Feb 10, 2016. Publicly Released: Feb 10, 2016: “Based on our literature review and preliminary discussions with experts, several transition issues would need to be addressed if the U.S. air traffic control (ATC) system were to be restructured, including transition… Continue Reading

Unmanned Aircraft Operations in Domestic Airspace : U.S. Policy Perspectives and the Regulatory Landscape

Via FAS – CRS report – Unmanned Aircraft Operations in Domestic Airspace: U.S. Policy Perspectives and the Regulatory Landscape. Bart Elias, Specialist in Aviation Policy. January 27, 2016. “…Many of the commercial applications envisioned for UAS, such as express package delivery, remote monitoring of utilities and infrastructure, and imagery collection and analysis to support precision… Continue Reading

GAO Reports – Army Contracting, Info Security, US Border Security

Army Contracting: Training and Guidance Needed to Ensure Appropriate Use of the Option to Extend Services Clause, GAO-16-262R: Published: Jan 28, 2016. Publicly Released: Jan 28, 2016. Information Security: DHS Needs to Enhance Capabilities, Improve Planning, and Support Greater Adoption of Its National Cybersecurity Protection System, GAO-16-294: Published: Jan 28, 2016. Publicly Released: Jan 28,… Continue Reading

Census Bureau Releases First 2012 Economic Census Product Lines Reports

“The Census Bureau today released the first product lines reports from its 2012 Economic Census Subject Series. These reports present national and state-level data at the two through six- or seven-digit North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) level. They provide statistics on number of establishments and sales/receipts/revenue by products and contributing industry. Reports were released for the… Continue Reading

Best Practices for Reducing Near-Road Pollution Exposure at Schools

EPA – Best Practices for Reducing Near-Road Air Pollution Exposure at Schools “Motor vehicles are a major source of air pollution in the United States. Research suggests that particulate matter (PM) from vehicles, notably heavy-duty diesel vehicles, may be especially harmful. While vehicle emissions have decreased over the past several decades due to EPA’s emissions… Continue Reading

US Complaint Against Volkswagen, Audi and Porsche for Alleged Clean Air Act Violations

“The Department of Justice, on behalf of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), [on January 4, 2016] filed a civil complaint in federal court in Detroit, Michigan, against Volkswagen AG, Audi AG, Volkswagen Group of America Inc., Volkswagen Group of America Chattanooga Operations LLC, Porsche AG and Porsche Cars North America Inc. (collectively referred to as… Continue Reading

GAO Reports – Federal Acquisitions, TSA Acquisitions

Federal Acquisitions: Use of ‘Other Transaction’ Agreements Limited and Mostly for Research and Development Activities, GAO-16-209: Published: Jan 7, 2016. Publicly Released: Jan 7, 2016: “Federal agencies use a variety of acquisition and financial assistance mechanisms, such as contracts, grants, and cooperative agreements, to help meet their missions. Some federal agencies have received authorization to… Continue Reading

GAO Reports – Amtrak, SBA, DOD and VA Health Care

Amtrak: Better Reporting, Planning, and Improved Financial Information Could Enhance Decision Making, GAO-16-67: Published: Jan 6, 2016. Publicly Released: Jan 6, 2016. Small Business Administration: Leadership Attention Needed to Overcome Management Challenges, GAO-16-134T: Published: Jan 6, 2016. Publicly Released: Jan 6, 2016. DOD and VA Health Care: Actions Needed to Help Ensure Appropriate Medication Continuation… Continue Reading

Changes in the Arctic: Background and Issues for Congress

Changes in the Arctic: Background and Issues for Congress. Ronald O’Rourke, Coordinator Specialist in Naval Affairs. December 21, 2015. “The diminishment of Arctic sea ice has led to increased human activities in the Arctic, and has heightened interest in, and concerns about, the region’s future. The United States, by virtue of Alaska, is an Arctic… Continue Reading

FAA Issues Fact Sheet on State and Local UAS Laws

December 17, 2015 – “The Federal Aviation Administration’s (FAA) new fact sheet on state and local regulation of unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) provides information for states and municipalities considering laws or regulations addressing UAS use. The document outlines FAA’s safety reasons for federal oversight of aviation and airspace, and explains federal responsibility in this area.… Continue Reading