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Category Archives: Transportation

GAO Reports – Disaster Recovery, DoD Financial Management, Human Trafficking, Immigration Detention, Imported Food Safety, Rail Grant Oversight

Disaster Recovery: FEMA Needs to Assess Its Effectiveness in Implementing the National Disaster Recovery Framework, GAO-16-476: Published: May 26, 2016. Publicly Released: May 26, 2016. DOD Financial Management: Greater Visibility Needed to Better Assess Audit Readiness for Property, Plant, and Equipment, GAO-16-383: Published: May 26, 2016. Publicly Released: May 26, 2016. Human Trafficking: Actions Taken… Continue Reading

Transportation and Warehousing Sector Drives Nonemployer Business Growth

“The number of businesses without paid employees rose by 831,317 or 3.6 percent to 23.8 million establishments from 2013 to 2014. Businesses without paid employees, such as operating a family-run corner store, acting as a real estate agent, pet sitting, blogging, and snowplowing, are refered to as nonemployer businesses. The transportation and warehousing sector (NAICS… Continue Reading

FAA Releases Drone Registration Location Data

“The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) posted [May 18, 2016] a large database showing the city, state and zip code of each registered drone owner. Release of the database responds to a number of Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests submitted since the new unmanned aircraft registration system began operating on December 21, 2015. The FAA… Continue Reading

Mapping Transit for 287 American Cities

Center for Data Innovation – “Urban sustainability nonprofit Center for Neighborhood Technology (CNT) has created AllTransit, a collection of interactive maps built with public transit data from 805 transit agencies in 287 cities throughout the United States. The maps provide neighborhood level insight into the availability, accessibility, cost, and variety of public transportation options, and… Continue Reading

Report – Most urban cyclists are working-class immigrants

The Kinder Institute for Urban Research: “Who bikes?  – Figures from the U.S. Census Bureau show that across the nation and in major cities across the sprawling, car-dependent Sun Belt, the largest share of people who bike are in lower-income brackets. “It’s not just that bike advocates aren’t representing invisible cyclists,” Lugo said. “It’s that… Continue Reading

Montgomery County MD Bicycle Stress Map Seeks to Make Streets Safer

Mapping How Stressful Streets Can Limit Cycling – “Few cycling thoroughfares in Washington, D.C., are fully protected from traffic. They’re packed with rushing cars, people backing out of driveways, and shape-shifting bike lanes, when any actually exist. As a daily bike commuter, I can attest that these factors can make cycling pretty harrying, which in… Continue Reading

Biking To Work Is Healthier Than Driving Regardless of Air Pollution

Charlie Sorrel, Fast Coexist –  “Biking is obviously better for you than driving, because while biking you are exercising and while driving you are sitting. “But wait! cry the pro-driving advocates. When you bike, you’re inhaling (quite deeply, because of the exercise) air that is full of the polluting exhaust of the cars around you.… Continue Reading

Transportation Security: Issues for the 114th Congress

CRS report – Transportation Security: Issues for the 114th Congress. Bart Elias, Specialist in Aviation Policy; David Randall Peterman, Analyst in Transportation Policy; John Frittelli, Specialist in Transportation Policy. May 9, 2016. “The nation’s air, land, and marine transportation systems are designed for accessibility and efficiency, two characteristics that make them highly vulnerable to terrorist… Continue Reading

DOT proposes increased use of the zipper merge

Minnesota Department of Transportation: “When a lane is closed in a construction zone, a zipper merge occurs when motorists use both lanes of traffic until reaching the defined merge area, and then alternate in “zipper” fashion into the open lane. Benefits Reduces differences in speeds between two lanes Reduces the overall length of traffic backup… Continue Reading

Delivery Drones: Coming to the Sky Near You?

CRS Reports & Analysis Legal Sidebar – Delivery Drones: Coming to the Sky Near You? – 05/06/2016: “Can you prevent a drone from flying over your house to deliver a package to your neighbor? Until now, that question has been of purely theoretical interest. However, the Senate recently passed a bill that could significantly change… Continue Reading