tableau public – Washington DC Capital Bikeshare – metadata available from 2011-2017 – “Ridership is highest on weekdays during commuting hours and leisure hours during the weekends.” Continue Reading
tableau public – Washington DC Capital Bikeshare – metadata available from 2011-2017 – “Ridership is highest on weekdays during commuting hours and leisure hours during the weekends.” Continue Reading
News release: “Every hour of every day, people use Uber to get around the more than 450 cities we serve. From Sydney to Summit, we’ve been working hard to get to know these cities, with the goal of making them cleaner, more efficient and less crowded. Along the way, we’ve found that local leaders, urban… Continue Reading
Climate Change: Improved Federal Coordination Could Facilitate Use of Forward-Looking Climate Information in Design Standards, Building Codes, and Certifications, GAO-17-3: Published: Nov 30, 2016. Publicly Released: Jan 3, 2017. “The houses we live in, buildings we work in, and roads and bridges we use daily are supposed to be built to last—whatever the local forecast… Continue Reading
The Rise and Nature of Alternative Work Arrangements in the United States, 1995-2015. Lawrence F. Katz, Harvard University and NBER and Alan B. Krueger, Princeton University and NBER. First Draft: March 29, 2016 This Draft: September 13, 2016 Abstract: “To monitor trends in alternative work arrangements, we conducted a version of the Contingent Worker Survey… Continue Reading
WaPo – Metro to install WiFi at all underground stations starting in summer 2017 – “Metro started a pilot program in August to test WiFi at six downtown stations. Now, General Manager Paul J. Wiedefeld has “greenlighted” an expansion to all underground stations.” Continue Reading
Artificial Intelligence, Automation, and the Economy – Executive Office of the President, December 2016 “Accelerating artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities will enable automation of some tasks that have long required human labor. These transformations will open up new opportunities for individuals, the economy, and society, but they have the potential to disrupt the current livelihoods of… Continue Reading
Crespo, Yanelys, Uber V. Regulation: ‘Ride-Sharing’ Creates a Legal Gray Area (December 1, 2016). 25 U. Miami Bus. L. Rev. 79 (2016). Available for download at SSRN: “Technological innovations are quickly re-shaping our world and even changing the way we travel from place to place. Although the concept of “ride-sharing” only just emerged in… Continue Reading
Our future is in ruins: the archaeology of space, satellites and orbital junk – James Purtill: “Next year will mark six decades of space travel. Orbiting above us are more than one hundred million pieces of debris from this age of exploration – everything from specks of paint and flecks of plastic, to the tool… Continue Reading
“Citing an enormous potential to reduce crashes on U.S. roadways, the U.S. Department of Transportation issued a proposed rule today that would advance the deployment of connected vehicle technologies throughout the U.S. light vehicle fleet. The Notice of Proposed Rulemaking would enable vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communication technology on all new light-duty vehicles, enabling a multitude of… Continue Reading
Via Socrata – Publish data and share. Find data and build. Answer questions. Search Data Categories that include: finance, public safety, infrastructure, environment, demographics, transportation, economy, health, education, housing & development, social services, politics and recreation. Users may use an API or link to the host data. Continue Reading
Air Traffic Control: Experts’ and Stakeholders’ Views on Key Issues to Consider in a Potential Restructuring [Reissued on December 9, 2016], GAO-17-131: Published: Oct 13, 2016. Publicly Released: Nov 15, 2016. “Experts, aviation stakeholders, and Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) officials GAO spoke to said that if Congress decides to remove air traffic control (ATC) from… Continue Reading
“Valued at nearly $20 trillion, the U.S. economy is the largest in the world. Maintaining a competitive edge necessitates remaining diversified and dynamic. While this means that some U.S. industries thrive, others inevitably decline or are rendered obsolete. As certain industries fade, so do hundreds of thousands of American jobs. 24/7 Wall St. analyzed employment… Continue Reading