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Category Archives: Transportation

One Book Has 40 Metro Maps From Around the World

“The text [in this link] is an excerpt from the book “One Metro World” which [Paris-based architect Jug Cerovic] self-published with a KickStarter Campaign in 2017…Metro systems around the world are strikingly homogeneous. They share common mechanisms and infrastructure characteristics. Most systems are located underground, trains run on tracks and usually serve a fixed route… Continue Reading

DC Dept of Transportation posting real time vehicle, bicycle and pedestrian crash info

“Vision Zero is a part of Mayor Bowser’s response to the US Department of Transportation’s Mayor’s Challenge for Safer People and Safer Streets, which aims to improve pedestrian and bicycle transportation safety by showcasing effective local actions, empowering local leaders to take action, and promoting partnerships to advance pedestrian and bicycle safety. Vision Zero requires an all-hands-on-deck approach.… Continue Reading

DC launches interactive dashboard to map the performance of area transportation

“The District Mobility Project responds to a request from the DC Council to assess the state of congestion for all surface modes in the District and identify actions to address that congestion. Broadening that vision, the District Department of Transportation (DDOT) sought to better quantify and qualify the state of its transportation system performance from… Continue Reading

Transit and Ground Passenger Transportation Increased in 2015

“Nonemployer businesses, establishments without paid employees, in the Transit and Ground Passenger Transportation subsector (North American Industry Classification System (NAICS 485) increased by 59.4 percent from 362,445 in 2014 to 577,809 in 2015, according to U.S. Census Bureau statistics released today. Receipts in this subsector increased 21.9 percent from $11.7 billion in 2014 to $14.3… Continue Reading

GAO – Internet of Things: Status and implications of an increasingly connected world

Technology Assessment: Internet of Things: Status and implications of an increasingly connected world, GAO-17-75: Published: May 15, 2017. Publicly Released: May 15, 2017. “The Internet of Things (IoT) refers to the technologies and devices that sense information and communicate it to the Internet or other networks and, in some cases, act on that information. These… Continue Reading

FAA Publishes First Set of UAS Facility Maps

“The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) today published more than 200 facility maps to streamline the commercial drone authorization process. The maps depict areas and altitudes near airports where UAS may operate safely. But drone operators still need FAA authorization to fly in those areas. This marks a key first step as the FAA and industry… Continue Reading

Drug Impaired Driving – Guide for States

Drugged Driving now more widespread than Drunk Driving: “This report, originally released in September 2015, was prepared by Dr. James Hedlund under contract with the Governors Highway Safety Association (GHSA), the national association of state and territorial highway safety offices that address behavioral highway-safety issues, including drug-impaired driving. An open forum on drugged driving at… Continue Reading

Bike Commuting Is Preventative Medicine, According to Science

Via Bicycling: “Massive study finds cyclists and other active commuters experience dramatically lower risk of dying—from any cause—than those who drive or take public transit. Just in time for National Bike to Work Week (May 15 to 19 this year), a team of researchers from Glasgow University in Scotland found that people who bike to work… Continue Reading