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Category Archives: Transportation

Study – All fossil-fuel vehicles will vanish in 8 years in twin ‘death spiral’ for big oil and big autos

“All fossil-fuel vehicles will vanish in 8 years in twin ‘death spiral’ for big oil and big autos, says study that’s shocking the industries. This speedy revolution, a Stanford economist says, will be driven by technology, not climate policies — and while his timing may be off a few years, there is little doubt about… Continue Reading

Optimal routes by car from geographic center of US to all counties

Topi Tjukanov is a geographer (M.Sc.) with a business degree (BBA) from Helsinki, Finland. Besides normal work (Project Specialist in the Ministry of the Environment) and normal(ish) hobbies, he’s enthusiastic about geospatial data, visualizing it and learning the latest tricks in modern GIS.” Spatial data from a new perspective – See Topi’s “map and the… Continue Reading

DOT – 46,000,000 Takata Air Bags Affected in Approximately 34,000,000 Vehicles

A reminder – “Approximately 34 million vehicles are currently under recall for approximately 46 million defective Takata air bags that can explode when the air bag deploys, causing serious injury or even death. Additional air bags are scheduled to be recalled by December 2019, bringing the total number of affected air bags to around 65-70… Continue Reading

California Senate to Hear EFF’s License Plate Cover Bill

EFF – “Across the country, private companies are deploying vehicles mounted with automated license plate readers (ALPRs) to drive up and down streets to document the travel patterns of everyday drivers. These systems take photos of every license plate they see, tag them with time and location, and upload them to a central database. These… Continue Reading

Florida Study Cyclists Don’t Break Traffic Laws Any More Than Drivers Do

Florida Department of Transportation, Final Report – Naturalistic Bicycling Behavior Pilot Study November 2017 [via StreetsBlogUSA] “Bicyclists experience disproportionate rates of injuries and fatalities compared to other road users. The safety for bicyclists is of particular concern in Florida, where bicyclist fatality rates were nearly triple the national average in 2015. This naturalistic bicycling behavior… Continue Reading

NYT – The Case for the Subway – It built the city of New York. The city must rebuild it to survive.

The New York Times Magazine, Jonathan Mahler: “…As New York evolved over the decades, the subway was the one constant, the very thing that made it possible to repurpose 19th-century factories and warehouses as offices or condominiums, or to reimagine a two-mile spit of land between Manhattan and Queens that once housed a smallpox hospital… Continue Reading

Crain’s – Trump administration kills Gateway tunnel deal

Feds declare agreement to share massive project’s costs with NY and NJ “nonexistent” – “President Donald Trump dropped his own New Year’s ball—in the form of a wrecking ball—with a late Friday afternoon announcement that effectively wipes out plans for perhaps the nation’s most crucial infrastructure project. The president officially scrapped his predecessor’s proposal to… Continue Reading

Using deep learning and Google Street View to estimate demographic makeup of neighborhoods across US

Using deep learning and Google Street View to estimate the demographic makeup of neighborhoods across the United States. Timnit Gebrua, Jonathan Krausea, Yilun Wanga, Duyun Chena, Jia Dengb, Erez Lieberman Aidenc, and Li Fei-Feia. Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, Computer Science Department, Stanford University, Stanford, CA; Vision and Learning Laboratory, Computer Science and Engineering Department, University of… Continue Reading

What does machine learning actually mean?

World Economic Forum: “…Machine learning is all around us: it informs everything from our Facebook feed, our suggested traffic routes in Google Maps, our autopilot email spam filters, and even the security of our banking information. But current day iterations of machine learning have r adically evolved since the 1600s. Today, machines can learn with… Continue Reading