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Category Archives: Transportation

UPS Flight Forward Attains FAA’s First Full Approval For Drone Airline

UPS press release: “UPS subsidiary UPS Flight Forward Inc. today announced it has received the U.S. government’s first full Part 135 Standard certification to operate a drone airline. The company will initially expand its drone delivery service further to support hospital campuses around the country, and to provide solutions for customers beyond those in the… Continue Reading

Travel your first and last mile with Google Maps

Google Blog: “Google Maps has always helped you get from place to place, whether you’re driving, walking, biking or taking public transit. And we know that transit journeys can be complex–often involving multiple modes of transportation to help you get around town. Today, we’re making it easy to pair transit directions with biking and ridesharing… Continue Reading

Security 101: A Physical and Cybersecurity Primer for Transportation Agencies

National Academies: “Since 2009, when NCHRP’s last Security 101 report was released, there have been significant advances in transportation security approaches, including new strategies, programs, and ways of doing business that have increased the security of transportation systems as well as ensured their resiliency. Hazards and threats to the system have also continued to evolve… Continue Reading

2019 Urban Mobility Report

Published by The Texas A&M Transportation Institute with cooperation from INRIX: “The ‘2019 Urban Mobility Report’ highlights the reality of how motorists in the largest urban areas across the U.S. are experiencing the negative effects of congestion levels in their daily lives. In 2017, the average commuter wasted nearly 7 full working days in extra… Continue Reading

11 Rules Every Cyclist Should Follow

Outside – “Former professional cyclist Phil Gaimon, in partnership with editor Jonathan Hyla, gives us the rundown of The New Rules Of Cycling. His main messages? Don’t be a jerk, always wave to fellow cyclists, and don’t you dare litter.” [These rules apply every day, every where you are. Acknowledging strangers, picking  up litter and well, being… Continue Reading

Google wants Travel and Maps to be the place you plan your trips from start to finish

The Verge: “After shutting down the Trips app and consolidating its flights and hotel booking tools under Google Travel, the company today announced new features to help travelers plan their trip in its entirety. An update coming to Google Flights will now show travelers guides on popular destinations based on their country and the time… Continue Reading

Want Safe, Bikeable Streets? Get Rid of Free Parking, as Amsterdam Did

StreetsBlogNYC – The city’s $8-an-hour fees, residential permits, and limits to car ownership made it the world’s cycling capital. Is New York brave enough to try it? – “Reminder: Amsterdam wasn’t Amsterdam until it was Amsterdam. The famed “bike capital” of the world was once as congested and car-choked as the worst Western cities. So how… Continue Reading

DuckDuckGo Improves its Maps Experience With Several Key Upgrades

Search Engine Journal – “DuckDuckGo is rolling out several updates to its maps search experience while maintaining the same commitment to user privacy. Earlier this year, DuckDuckGo began using Apple Maps to power its maps search results. Since then, the company says it has been working on additional upgrades that are rolling out now. Here’s… Continue Reading

Daily Infographic

“At Daily Infographic we strive to curate the most interesting infographics on the web. We scour the internet for data visualizations [on more than two dozen topics] with the best content and design to bring easily consumed facts and figures to our users. For seven years Daily Infographic has provided the web with knowledge and… Continue Reading