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Category Archives: Transportation

Visualizing The Data Behind Distracted Driving in the United States

Visualizing The Data Behind Distracted Driving in the United States – “Bloomberg has created a series of data visualizations demonstrating the widespread use of phones by individuals driving vehicles. The visualizations show that half of all individuals use their phones while driving at least ten percent of the time. In addition, the visualizations illustrate that drivers… Continue Reading

Visualizing the Worst Air Pollution Days of 2019

The New York Times – See How the World’s Most Polluted Air Compares With Your City’s – “We visualized the damaging, tiny particles that wreak havoc on human health. From the Bay Area to New Delhi, see how the world’s worst pollution compares with your local air. …Outdoor particulate pollution was responsible for an estimated… Continue Reading

CBP Starts Process to Include U.S. Citizens in Facial Recognition Program

NextGov: “U.S. citizens wary of facial biometric technology can opt-out of Customs and Border Protection’s face-scanning programs, though that would change under a proposed rule. CBP has been pushing the use of facial recognition technologies at land, sea and air ports as a means of meeting a longstanding congressional mandate to use biometrics in the… Continue Reading

Benchmarking Accessibility in Cities- Measuring the Impact of Proximity and Transport Performance

The International Transport Forum.OECD: “…This report presents a new urban accessibility framework. It identifies which destinations can be reached on foot, by bicycle, public transport or car within a certain time (accessibility). It then measures how many destinations are close by (proximity). The comparison between accessible destinations and nearby destinations show well each transport mode… Continue Reading

Norway Has The Safest Roads in the World

Forbes: “Only two road traffic deaths per 100, 000 inhabitants were reported in Norway in 2019, making the Scandinavian nation the best-performing country for road safety.  In comparison, the risk of being killed in a crash was six times higher in Argentina than in Norway, and the United States ranked 33 (out of 40), following… Continue Reading

Too Big to Govern Public Balance Sheet for the World’s Largest Store

Economic Roundtable: “Amazon is flourishing as a corporation. On good days in the stock market it is worth $1 trillion, making it most valuable company on the planet. Amazon has come of age financially. This report examines its standing as a socially accountable corporate citizen, with close attention to the impact of Amazon’s logistics operations… Continue Reading

Uber Embraces Videotaping Rides, Raising Privacy Concerns

The New York Times – “The company says it is increasing the recording of rides to settle disputes between drivers and passengers and to improve safety…Uber began the video recording program in Texas in July, and is conducting smaller tests of the program in Florida and Tennessee. In November, it announced a similar effort in… Continue Reading

Drivers overtaking bikes biggest reason for fatal cycling crashes

McClatchyDC: “Drivers overtaking bike riders are the biggest cause of death among cyclists, says a study released Tuesday by the National Transportation Safety Board. Bike safety is a growing problem that appears to be getting more worrisome, and, the board reported, “current available data likely underestimate the level of bicycling activity in the United States.”… Continue Reading

Drivers are killing pedestrians at the highest rate in almost 30 years

The Verge – Pedestrian and cyclist death rates are increasing, as overall traffic fatalities plummet – “Nearly 36,600 people died on US roadways last year, a decrease of 2.4 percent from 2017, according to recently released figures from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. The fatality rate per 100 million vehicle miles traveled also decreased… Continue Reading

Google Maps adds more Waze-like features including driving-incident reports

TechCrunch: “…Google today announced a series of new features that will allow drivers using the Maps app on iOS to report accidents, speed traps and traffic jams. And on both iOS and Android, users will be able to report other driving hazards and incidents, like road construction, lane closures, disabled vehicles and objects in the… Continue Reading

The Most Detailed Map of Auto Emissions in America

The New York Times – See driving-related emissions in your metro area, road by road – “These findings come from a New York Times analysis of new data released through Boston University’s Database of Road Transportation Emissions. The database provides the most detailed estimates available of local on-road CO2 over the past three decades. The… Continue Reading