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Category Archives: Transportation

57% of Americans say masks should be required on airplanes and public transportation

Pew Research Center: “A majority of U.S. adults (57%) say travelers on airplanes and public transportation should be required to wear masks, according to a new Pew Research Center survey. A smaller share (42%) say travelers should not be required to wear masks in these situations. In April, a federal judge in Florida struck down… Continue Reading

ICE ‘now operates as a domestic surveillance agency’

Engadget: “Although it’s supposed to be restricted by surveillance rules at local, state and federal levels, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has built up a mass surveillance system that includes details on almost all US residents, according to a report from a major think tank. Researchers from Georgetown Law’s Center on Privacy and Technology said… Continue Reading

LLRX April 2022 Issue

Articles and Columns for April 2022 Web Guide for the New Economy 2022 – Accurate and actionable data on the economy is critical to many aspects of our research and scholarship. This guide by research expert Marcus P. Zillman provides researchers with links to information on a range of sources focused on new economy data and… Continue Reading

2022 World Changing Ideas Awards

“Every year, Fast Company’s World-Changing Ideas Awards honor the innovative ways businesses and organizations are tackling the biggest challenges of our time. Amid the seemingly endless stream of disastrous news, these awards provide more than 1,000 reasons to feel some hope. One thousand fifty-three, to be exact. That’s the total number of honorees that our… Continue Reading

The “State of the Air” 2022 report

American Lung Association: “The “State of the Air” 2022 report finds that despite decades of progress on cleaning up sources of air pollution, more than 40% of Americans—over 137 million people—are living in places with failing grades for unhealthy levels of particle pollution or ozone. This is 2.1 million more people breathing unhealthy air compared… Continue Reading

Animated map of EV charging stations shows huge dead zones around the country

Fasts Company: “Electric vehicles are clearly the future, but their mass adoption is somewhat hindered by infrastructure rollout—namely, the charging stations that drivers need to keep them powered, especially on long cross-country trips. But data compiled from geographic information systems firm Esri shows that some areas of the United States are doing better than others… Continue Reading

Visualizing Ukraine’s Top Trading Partners and Products

Visual Capitalist: “International trade was equal to 65% of Ukraine’s GDP in 2020, totaling to $102.9 billion of goods exchanged with countries around the world. In 2014, Russia’s annexation of Crimea contributed to a 30% year-over-year drop in Ukraine’s 2015 trade value ($75.6B). Now, Ukraine’s international trade has been irreversibly disrupted since Russia’s full-scale invasion… Continue Reading

Riding a Bike in America Should Not Be This Dangerous

The New York Times: “The United States is in the midst of a traffic fatality crisis. Nearly 39,000 people died in motor vehicle crashes on American roadways in 2020, the most since 2007. American roads have grown especially dangerous to nonoccupants of vehicles (that is, bicyclists and pedestrians). In 2011, 16 percent of traffic deaths… Continue Reading

Inflexible return-to-office policies are hammering employee experience scores

“Future Forum Pulse New data shows work-related stress and anxiety is skyrocketing among full-time office workers and those without schedule flexibility Read through the report by clicking the sections below, or download the full report as a PDF. Return-to-office policies are negatively impacting employee experience scores. As companies implement return-to-office policies, calling more employees back… Continue Reading

Masks can work—even if you’re the only one wearing them

Popular Science: “Mask mandates have almost entirely vanished across the United States, after a Florida judge voided a federal requirement to cover faces while in transit. Major airlines and Amtrak swiftly discarded their mask rules. States, meanwhile, had been shedding their mask regulations all spring. Now, no state has a public mask rule. Guam, the… Continue Reading

Pete Recommends Weekly highlights on cyber security issues, April 16, 2022

Via LLRX –Pete Recommends Weekly highlights on cyber security issues, April 16, 2022 – Privacy and cybersecurity issues impact every aspect of our lives – home, work, travel, education, health and medical records – to name but a few. On a weekly basis Pete Weiss highlights articles and information that focus on the increasingly complex… Continue Reading