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Category Archives: Transportation

Cars & Consumer Data: On Unlawful Collection & Use

FTC: “Some say the car a person drives can say a lot about them. As cars get “connected,” this turns out to be truer than many people might have realized. While connectivity can let drivers do things like play their favorite internet radio stations or unlock their car with an app, connected cars can also… Continue Reading

America in Facts 2024: A Data-Driven Report for Congress

“To create America in Facts 2024, USAFacts interviewed Congressional staff on their topics of interest and the challenges they face when using data. These interviews spanned the House of Representatives and the Senate, included Republicans and Democrats, and identified several topics that we used to inform this report. We hope that members of Congress and… Continue Reading

Build it and they will come? The effects of a new infrastructure on cycling practices and experiences

Patrick Rérat, Aurélie Schmassmann, Build it and they will come? The effects of a new infrastructure on cycling practices and experiences, Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives, Volume 25, 2024, 101121, ISSN 2590-1982, Abstract: What are the effects of cycling infrastructure? This question is crucial as cities begin to give more space to cycling. In this… Continue Reading

Data broker shuts down product related to driver behavior patterns

The Record: “The revelation earlier this year that General Motors had been selling driver behavior patterns to data brokers — who in turn packaged and resold it to insurers — has led at least one of two major data brokers to shut down its related product.  That data broker, Verisk, disclosed last month that it… Continue Reading

Google Green Light

“Green Light optimizes traffic lights to reduce vehicle emissions in cities, helping mitigate climate change and improving urban mobility Road transportation is responsible for a significant amount of global and urban greenhouse gas emissions. It is especially problematic at city intersections where pollution can be 29 times higher than on open roads.  At intersections, half… Continue Reading

Close City

“ – “Proximity governs how we live, work, and socialize. Close is an interactive travel time map for people who want to be near the amenities that matter most to them. Close builds on two core principles: Different people will prioritize being near different amenities A neighborhood is only as accessible as its most distant… Continue Reading

SUVs are setting new sales records each year so are their emissions

IEA: “The large, heavy passenger vehicles were responsible for over 20% of the growth in global energy-related CO2 emissions last year SUVs accounted for 48% of global car sales in 2023, reaching a new record and further strengthening the defining automobile trend of the early 21st century – the shift towards ever larger and heavier… Continue Reading

We’re All Roadkill. Now Cars flatten animals and humans

Slate – “…Alongside washed-up Coke bottles and cigarette butts, the Anthropocene’s most ubiquitous emblem might be roadkill. The demolished deer, the obliterated opossum, the wrecked raccoon: This is the detritus of our human-dominated age. Every day in the U.S. alone, more than a million vertebrate animals meet their end on the asphalt, among them rarities… Continue Reading