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Category Archives: Transportation

Pete Recommends – Weekly highlights on cyber security issues, June 24, 2023

Via LLRX – Pete Recommends – Weekly highlights on cyber security issues, June 24, 2023 – Privacy and cybersecurity issues impact every aspect of our lives – home, work, travel, education, health and medical records – to name but a few. On a weekly basis Pete Weiss highlights articles and information that focus on the… Continue Reading

Pedestrian Traffic Fatalities by State: 2022 Preliminary Data

Download Pedestrian Traffic Fatalities by State: 2022 Preliminary Data News Release: Drivers Hit and Killed More Than 7,500 Pedestrians Last Year, Most in 41 Years, New Projection Shows GHSA Pedestrian, Bike and Micromobility Safety Issue Toolkit “GHSA’s annual Spotlight report, Pedestrian Traffic Fatalities by State: 2022 Preliminary Data, offers a comprehensive look at state and national… Continue Reading

How Your New Car Tracks You

Wired (free link) -” Vehicles from Toyota, Honda, Ford, and more can collect huge volumes of data. Here’s what the companies can access…In May, US-based automotive firm Privacy4Cars released a new tool, dubbed the Vehicle Privacy Report, that reveals how much information on your car can be hoovered up. Much like Apple and Google’s privacy… Continue Reading

Car thefts are rising. Is a TikTok challenge to blame?

USA Facts: “Car thefts started rising last summer in Baltimore, Cleveland, and other cities across the country. In fact, from December 2021 to December 2022, reported thefts rose 50 percent in Atlanta and El Paso, Texas. They doubled in Chicago. They tripled in Dayton, Ohio. Some cities have blamed the auto manufacturers Kia and Hyundai… Continue Reading

CTwalk Map

“CTwalk Map is an interactive web tool developed as part of research conducted by Vasileios Milias during his doctoral studies at the Urban Analytics Lab within the Knowledge and Intelligence Design group at Delft University of Technology. The Urban Analytics Lab developed a set of human-centered metrics, indicators, and software tools to measure and evaluate… Continue Reading

The effect of safety attire on perceptions of cyclist dehumanisation

Elsevier – Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, Volume 95, May 2023, Pages 494-509 . The effect of safety attire on perceptions of cyclist dehumanisation [full text – no fee] 30 % of respondents (n = 563) considered cyclists less than fully human.’ Cyclists with helmets were perceived as less human compared to… Continue Reading

Parking Reform Network

“The Parking Reform Network, a US-based nonprofit that aims “to discourage the building of too much parking supply,” has compiled a map and dataset of ~1,400 relevant local mandates. They focus on policies that reduce or eliminate minimum parking requirements for new developments, or set maximums. For each mandate, the dataset provides a summary and… Continue Reading

New Tool Shows if Your Car Might Be Tracking You, Selling Your Data

Vice: “A new tool that is free to use for consumers aims to better inform people about the types of data their particular car manufacturer might be collecting and sharing about their identity and driving patterns. The Vehicle Privacy Report tool, made by automotive privacy company Privacy4Cars, is based on a manual and automatic analysis… Continue Reading

AI Incident Database

AID: “Intelligent systems are currently prone to unforeseen and often dangerous failures when they are deployed to the real world. Much like the transportation sector before it (e.g., FAA and FARS) and more recently computer systems, intelligent systems require a repository of problems experienced in the real world so that future researchers and developers may… Continue Reading