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Category Archives: Social Media

The Internet Is Not What You Think It Is: A History, A Philosophy, A Warning

Los Angeles Review of Books: “The Internet has lost its way and taken society with it. Since the mid-2010s, we hear warnings of “dis/misinformation.” We hear about the loss of trust in our institutions and the need to reinvent them for the internet age. In short, we are living in a “crisis moment” — one… Continue Reading

How to stay up to date on terrible news without burning out

Washington Post: “…War is 24/7. There’s an unrelenting flow of images, videos and graphic updates out of Ukraine, filling social media, messaging apps and news sites. Then there’s covid, climate change, natural disasters and every new or ongoing humanitarian crisis that feels impossible to look away from. It’s important to stay informed, engaged and even… Continue Reading

Associations Between Online Instruction in Lateral Reading Strategies and Fact-Checking COVID-19 News Among College Students

Associations Between Online Instruction in Lateral Reading Strategies and Fact-Checking COVID-19 News Among College Students. AERA Open January-December 2021, Vol. 7, No. 1, pp. 1 –17 DOI: “College students, and adults in general, may find it hard to identify trustworthy information amid the proliferation of false news and misinformation about the COVID-19 pandemic. In… Continue Reading

Lateral Reading on the Open Internet

Wineburg, Sam and breakstone, joel and mcgrew, sarah and Smith, Mark and Ortega, Teresa, Lateral Reading on the Open Internet (November 15, 2021). Available at SSRN: or “Young people turn to the Internet to become informed about the issues that concern them and their communities. How can they learn to distinguish credible information… Continue Reading

Nearly 700 Words, Senses and Phrases included in new OED

Oxford English Dictionary Blog: “This update contains nearly 700 words, senses, and phrases which have been researched, defined, and included in OED for the first time, from absolute threshold to ydraw. Absolute threshold, the level or point at which a stimulus—such as sound, touch, or smell—reaches sufficient intensity to become consciously perceptible, is a loan… Continue Reading

How to Block Spam Calls and Text Messages

Wired: “Learn how to fight the scourge of unsolicited rings and pings from spammers, scammers, and telemarketers.Life is busy enough without wasting time on spammers, scammers, and telemarketers. Whether you are suffering insistent injury lawyers, fraudulent IT specialists, or a drunk-dialing ex, there is a way to stop the calls and messages. The major carriers… Continue Reading

Ukrainian Violinists Play in Solidarity with 94 Other Violinists from 29 Countries

Open Culture: “Violinist Kerenza Peacock writes: “I befriended some young violinists in Ukraine via Instagram and discovered some were in basement shelters but had their violins. So I asked colleagues across the world to accompany them in harmony. And I got sent videos from 94 violinists in 29 countries in 48 hours!! An astonishing collaboration… Continue Reading

Pete Recommends Weekly highlights on cyber security issues, March 12, 2022

Via LLRX – Pete Recommends Weekly highlights on cyber security issues, March 12, 2022 – Privacy and cybersecurity issues impact every aspect of our lives – home, work, travel, education, health and medical records – to name but a few. On a weekly basis Pete Weiss highlights articles and information that focus on the increasingly… Continue Reading

Russians Are Finding Ways Around Putin’s Internet Blockade

Bloomberg – “Providers of virtual private networks, or VPNs, are recording a surge in usage from Russia after the Kremlin cracked down on Facebook and other services as part of a broader effort to silence dissent and limit information about its invasion of Ukraine. “In the past week, we saw traffic to our website from… Continue Reading

Death by PowerPoint: the slide that killed seven people

MCDREEAMIE-MUSINGS – Human Factors, Presentation Skills – “We’ve all sat in those presentations. A speaker with a stream of slides full of text, monotonously reading them off as we read along. We’re so used to it we expect it. We accept it. We even consider it ‘learning’. As an educator I push against ‘death by… Continue Reading

LLRX February 2022 Issue

LLRX Articles and Columns for February 2022 Offense v. Defense – The goal of this paper by Andrew Pittman, MSU Law-3L, is a call for a new strategy on cybersecurity. Pittman’s paper begins with real life incidents of cybercrime attacks on critical infrastructures abroad and in the U.S. Second, it defines what is offensive cybersecurity… Continue Reading