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Category Archives: Social Media

LinkedIn Will Finally Offer Ways to Verify Your Job

Wired: “In the never-ending battle against online impersonation scams, the professional social media platform LinkedIn announced today a set of new verification features that enable users to authenticate aspects of their identities and job histories. Crucially, users will now have a few different options to verify their identity and current jobs on LinkedIn. That way,… Continue Reading

Now live for all: Substack Notes

“Today we’re launching Notes to everyone. Notes is a new space where you can publish short-form posts and share ideas with other writers and readers on Substack. Try Notes – Notes helps writers’ and creators’ work travel through the Substack network for new readers to discover. You can share links, images, quick thoughts, and snippets from Substack… Continue Reading

Everything advertised on social media is overpriced junk

Schnadower Mustri, Eduardo and Adjerid, Idris and Acquisti, Alessandro, Behavioral Advertising and Consumer Welfare: An Empirical Investigation (March 23, 2023). Available at SSRN: or “The value that consumers derive from behavioral advertising has been more often posited than empirically demonstrated. The majority of empirical work on behavioral advertising has focused on estimating the… Continue Reading

We need to tell people ChatGPT will lie to them, not debate linguistics

Simon Willison: ChatGPT lies to people. “This is a serious bug that has so far resisted all attempts at a fix. We need to prioritize helping people understand this, not debating the most precise terminology to use to describe it. We accidentally invented computers that can lie to us I tweeted (and tooted) this: We… Continue Reading

Hashtags are everything on Mastodon — why not give them a home?

The Verge: “Mastodon has been one of the biggest beneficiaries of Twitter’s ongoing meltdown, and since I started seriously using it late last year, it’s won me over. While I still use Twitter for monitoring news and talking to the occasional source, Mastodon is my new home for shortform posting. But Mastodon has one significant… Continue Reading

Pete Recommends – Weekly highlights on cyber security issues, April 8, 2023

Via LLRX – Pete Recommends – Weekly highlights on cyber security issues, April 8, 2023 – Privacy and cybersecurity issues impact every aspect of our lives – home, work, travel, education, health and medical records – to name but a few. On a weekly basis Pete Weiss highlights articles and information that focus on the… Continue Reading

If It’s Advertised to You Online, You Probably Shouldn’t Buy It. Here’s Why.

The New York Times: “…The ability to track people has turned out to be an unbeatable advantage for the online ad industry, which has grown to a $540 billion market worldwide, according to the media agency GroupM, dwarfing all other forms of advertising, including TV, radio and newspapers. It has propelled the massive growth of Google… Continue Reading

Measuring trends in Artificial Intelligence

“The AI Index is an independent initiative at the Stanford Institute for Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence (HAI), led by the AI Index Steering Committee, an interdisciplinary group of experts from across academia and industry. The annual report tracks, collates, distills, and visualizes data relating to artificial intelligence, enabling decision-makers to take meaningful action to advance AI… Continue Reading

Clearview AI scraped 30 billion images from Facebook and gave them to cops

Insider: it puts everyone into a ‘perpetual police line-up’ – ” Clearview AI scraped 30 billion photos from Facebook to build its facial recognition database. US police have used the database nearly a million times, the company’s CEO told the BBC. One digital rights advocate told Insider the company is “a total affront to peoples’… Continue Reading

BookTok is Good, Actually: On the Undersung Joys of a Vast and Multifarious Platform

Lit Hub – Leigh Stein Wonders Why More Book People Don’t Embrace the Publishing Juggernaut. “Shallow, fake, showy, and performative—these are a few of the adjectives used to describe BookTok, the corner of TikTok where young women share and discuss books on camera, by drive-by tourists to a culture they don’t understand. I’m no BookTok… Continue Reading