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Category Archives: Social Media

Pete Recommends – Weekly highlights on cyber security issues, September 9, 2023

Via LLRX – Pete Recommends – Weekly highlights on cyber security issues, September 9, 2023 – Privacy and cybersecurity issues impact every aspect of our lives – home, work, travel, education, finance, health and medical records – to name but a few. On a weekly basis Pete Weiss, highlights articles and information that focus on the… Continue Reading

Cory Doctorow: Interoperability Can Save the Open Web

IEEE Spectrum: How to free users from Big Tech’s walled gardens: “In his new book The Internet Con: How to Seize the Means of Computation, author Cory Doctorow presents a strong case for disrupting Big Tech. While the dominance of Internet platforms like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, or Amazon is often taken for granted, Doctorow argues… Continue Reading

How to Disable the Focused Inbox on LinkedIn

MakeUseOf: “LinkedIn’s Focused Inbox feature helps you focus on the most relevant messages by separating them from other less important messages. This can help you stay organized and on top of your messages. However, some people prefer to turn off the Focused Inbox as it can sometimes make it difficult to track important conversations. If… Continue Reading

Sorry, But LinkedIn Is Cool Now

Bloomberg [read free link] – “The biggest social media platforms all have their niches. Twitter is for arguing with strangers. Instagram is for showing off the best of your 500 selfies. Facebook is for learning too much about an acquaintance from college. And LinkedIn is for updating the obligatory professional profile when you’re looking for… Continue Reading

Who knowingly shares false political information online?

Misinformation Review: Who knowingly shares false political information online? “Some people share misinformation accidentally, but others do so knowingly. To fully understand the spread of misinformation online, it is important to analyze those who purposely share it. Using a 2022 U.S. survey, we found that 14 percent of respondents reported knowingly sharing misinformation, and that… Continue Reading

Social media giants urged to tackle data-scraping privacy risks

Tech Crunch: “A joint statement signed by regulators at a dozen international privacy watchdogs, including the U.K.’s ICO, Canada’s OPC and Hong Kong’s OPCPD, has urged mainstream social media platforms to protect users’ public posts from scraping — warning they face a legal responsibility to do so in most markets. “In most jurisdictions, personal information… Continue Reading

The New Gatekeepers: How Disney, Amazon, and Netflix Will Take Over Media

Wrtiers Guild of America West: The New Gatekeepers: How Disney, Amazon, and Netflix Will Take Over Media. “Over the past decade, deregulation and the growing dominance of streaming video have laid the groundwork for a media landscape where just three companies—Disney, Amazon, and Netflix—are poised to be the new gatekeepers. This report from the WGAW… Continue Reading