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Category Archives: Securities Law

OFR Report – Asset Management and Financial Stability

“The OFR delivered this report, Asset Management and Financial Stability, to the Financial Stability Oversight Council (Council) on ways that activities in the asset management industry could pose risks to the financial stability of the United States by creating, amplifying, or transmitting stress through the financial system. The OFR studied the activities of asset management firms and… Continue Reading

Executive Excess 2013: Bailed Out, Booted, and Busted

“This 20th anniversary Executive Excess report examines the “performance” of the 241 corporate chief executives who have ranked among America’s 25 highest-paid CEOs in one or more of the past 20 years. The lavishly compensated CEOs we spotlight here should be exemplars of value-added performance. After all, sky-high CEO pay purportedly reflects the superior value that elite chief executives… Continue Reading

New SEC Ethics Rule Expands Ban on Former Employee Contact

Bloomberg: “Hundreds of U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission lawyers and examiners face new obstacles to cashing in on their agency experience under an expanded ethics rule to take effect in January. The change targets the practice of regulators moving to jobs at law firms and investment banks where they capitalize on their SEC relationships. The… Continue Reading

New SEC Policy – Violations by financial institutions include admission of guilt

Washington Post Wonkblog: “A few weeks ago, SEC Chairwoman Mary Jo White announced a significant change in policy: For certain violations, the agency would no longer allow financial institutions to simply pay a fine without admitting wrongdoing (also known as a “nolo contendere” plea). And in its latest cases, the SEC has been following through,… Continue Reading

Discussion Paper – The Clearing Obligation under EMIR

“The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) is publishing this discussion paper in order to seek stakeholders’ views on the preparation of the regulatory technical standards ESMA is required to draft under Article 5(2) “Clearing Obligation Procedure” of the Regulation (EU) No 648/2012 of the European Parliament and Council on OTC derivatives, central counterparties and… Continue Reading

82 of top 100 publicly traded U.S. companies operate subsidiaries in tax haven jurisdictions

“With Congress considering big cuts to public programs, U.S. PIRG released fresh evidence that the vast majority of large companies are dodging taxes by stashing money in offshore tax havens. In a study of the top 100 publicly traded companies, as measured by revenue, the study  – Offshore Shell Games  – reveals that 82 maintain… Continue Reading

Majority of Public Companies Indicate Cyber Attack Would Cause “Serious Harm”

News release: “A majority of the U.S. listed Fortune 500 firms are following the U.S. Securities and Exchange Guidelines by providing some level of disclosure regarding cyber exposures, with more than half indicating their firms would face “serious harm” or be “adversely impacted” due to a cyber-attack, according to a recent report by Willis North America,… Continue Reading

New GAO Reports: Financial Company Bankruptcies, Foreign Affairs Management, Medicaid Demonstration Waivers, SEC Conflict Minerals Rule

Financial Company Bankruptcies – Need to Further Consider Proposals’ Impact on Systemic Risk, GAO-13-622, Jul 18, 2013 Foreign Affairs Management – State Department Has Strengthened Foreign Service Promotion Process Internal Controls, but Documentation Gaps Remain, GAO-13-654, Jul 18, 2013 Medicaid Demonstration Waivers, Approval Process Raises Cost Concerns and Lacks Transparency, GAO-13-384, Jun 25, 2013 SEC Conflict… Continue Reading

SEC Proposes Rules on "Say on Pay" and Proxy Vote Reporting

News release: “The Securities and Exchange Commission today proposed rules that would enable shareholders to cast advisory votes on executive compensation and “golden parachute” arrangements. The rules are called for by Section 951 of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act. Under the proposed rules, public companies subject to the federal proxy rules… Continue Reading

NERA Update on Credit Crisis Litigation

An Update on the Credit Crisis Litigation: A Turn Towards Structured Products and Asset Management Firms, June 15, 2009: “In this NERA paper, co-author Vice President Dr. Faten Sabry provides an update on credit crisis-related securities litigation. The paper highlight emerging trends in a number of areas, including filings, percentage of cases involving directors and… Continue Reading