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Category Archives: Search Engines

Insurrection Index has 1404 records of those in the public trust who played a role in the insurrection

“Insurrection Index is a searchable database of records on individuals and organizations in positions of public trust who were involved in the deadly attack on the Capitol on January 6, 2021. As of January 2022, the Insurrection Index has over 1,000 records of those in public trust who played a role in the insurrection…Below is… Continue Reading

7 ways to improve your privacy in 2022

Mashable: “Maintaining your online and offline privacy can seem like a Herculean, or even Sisyphean, task. Never-before-heard-of companies with vaguely menacing names regularly brag about infringing upon it, and each day seems to bring with it new privacy scandals. But here’s the thing: There are small and relatively painless steps you can take, right now,… Continue Reading

Global Privacy Control Popularity Grows as Legal Status Up in Air

BloombergLaw: “Global Privacy Control, a way for consumers to signal privacy preferences to a host of websites without manually reaching out to each one, is gaining traction. A handful of internet browsers offer the tool, and California’s attorney general indicated the tool could be used to comply with the state’s privacy law. But its ability… Continue Reading

DuckDuckGo Search Queries Grew 47% in 2021

Bleeping Computer: “The privacy-focused search engine DuckDuckGo continues to grow rapidly, with the company now averaging over 100 million daily search queries and growing by almost 47% in 2021. Unlike other search engines, DuckDuckGo says they do not track your searches or your behavior on other sites. Instead of building user profiles used to display interest-based ads,… Continue Reading

Stop Google tracking for good by changing these settings

CNET – “If you are using any Google app, it’s likely you’re being tracked. Even if you turned off location history on your Google account, you’re not completely in the clear yet. While disabling that setting sounds like a one-and-done solution, some Google apps are still storing your location data. Just opening the Google Maps… Continue Reading

Show me a 10ft paywall, I’ll show you a 12ft ladder.

Thomas Miller – I build things on the internet / FAQ What? Prepend to the URL of any paywalled page, and we’ll try our best to remove the paywall and get you access to the article. Why? I believe Google Adwords killed the web. Google Adwords incentivized sites to peddle SEO optimized… Continue Reading

8 Privacy Settings You Should Change on LinkedIn Right Now

LifeHacker: “LinkedIn, like all social networks, uses a lot of your personal information to show you ads and sponsored content. Just as you’d be wary about sharing more of your data with Facebook, you should also exercise restraint when sharing information with LinkedIn. If you haven’t been doing that so far, now is the time… Continue Reading

What Is and How Is It Different to Other Search Engines?

MakeUseOf: “ is a search engine that puts its users first. Using a combination of search results, apps, and shortcuts, it presents information in rows that “form an interface of your digital life”. If you’re someone who spends a lot of time scouring the internet for content, may be for you. You can use… Continue Reading