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Category Archives: Search Engines

USPTO launches new Patent Public Search tool and webpage

“The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) today announced a new Patent Public Search tool that provides more convenient, remote, and robust full-text searching of all U.S. patents and published patent applications. Based on the advanced Patents End-to-End (PE2E) search tool USPTO examiners use to identify prior art, this free, cloud-based platform combines the capabilities of… Continue Reading

Stop trying to work in multiple browser tabs. It’s terrible for your focus.

Mashable: “If you’re reading this story in a single browser tab, because you only focus on one task at a time, congratulations, you can stop reading now. You likely know everything I’m about to say. This piece is for the rest of us, those who invariably juggle multiple tabs at once, convinced that we can… Continue Reading

What is RSS and How to Use it Effectively

A reminder to continue to reference this article by Pete Weiss, What is RSS and How to Use it Effectively. RSS has changed over the years, but remains a significant application for researchers. Per recent postings on the subject here on beSpacific: – An RSS feed listing all newly released books from your favorite… Continue Reading

Mozilla launches Facebook Pixel Hunt

“In a collaboration between journalists at The Markup and Mozilla researchers, this study seeks to map Facebook’s pixel tracking network and understand the kinds of information it collects on sites across the web. The Markup will use the data collected in this study to create investigative journalism around the kinds of information Facebook collects about… Continue Reading

LOCO: The 88-million-word language of conspiracy corpus

Miani, A., Hills, T. & Bangerter, A. LOCO: The 88-million-word language of conspiracy corpus. [free full text PDF] Behav Res (2021). “The spread of online conspiracy theories represents a serious threat to society. To understand the content of conspiracies, here we present the language of conspiracy (LOCO) corpus. LOCO is an 88-million-token corpus composed… Continue Reading

Privacy myths busted: Protecting your mobile privacy is even harder than you think

CNET – “With increasingly invasive digital surveillance from advertisers and law enforcement over the past few years, securing your mobile phone from privacy threats in 2022 should be a key resolution. But don’t stop short. Changing a few settings in your phone and apps isn’t enough. To get the most privacy, the key ingredient to… Continue Reading