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Category Archives: Search Engines

Why a Russian Invasion of Ukraine Would Be a Big Test for Google Maps

TIME: “In 2014, six weeks after Russia invaded the Crimea, Google Maps took a major step, one that the United States, United Nations, and international community still refuse to take: it recognized the Crimea as Russian territory—but only on some versions of the product. While users in Ukraine still the saw the version of Google… Continue Reading

European Publishers Council files EU Complaint against Google for Anti-Competitive Ad Tech practices

“The European Publishers Council has today filed an antitrust complaint against Google with the European Commission in a bid to break the ad tech stranglehold Google currently has over press publishers, and all other businesses in the ad tech ecosystem. Specifically, the EPC calls on the European Commission to hold Google accountable for its anticompetitive… Continue Reading

New search functions now available

“We’ve just updated the search function on the main map page to make finding the flights you’re looking for even easier. These updates bring the features that have been available in the app to the web and improve the speed and responsiveness of search as well. In this post we walk through some of… Continue Reading

How to take control of your Google Workspace search history

TechRepublic: “Starting March 29, 2022, people with Google Workspace accounts gain the ability to choose settings for Workspace search history. This setting controls whether the system stores and suggests prior searches when you enter text in a search box in Gmail, Google Calendar, Google Drive and Currents. By default, Workspace search history will be on…” Continue Reading

Book bans: How Amazon, Google, and Apple can fight back with a Freedom Archive

ZDNet: “Hardly a day goes by when we don’t hear from a school or library somewhere in the United States that they’ve removed a book from circulation following complaints from parents or constituents. Last week, in a school district in Tennessee, it was the removal of MAUS, the Pulitzer Prize-winning graphic novel by Art Spiegelman, that… Continue Reading

Announcing the Launch of the New

DHS Blog: “DHS is proud to announce the launch of our brand new After months in the works, I’m happy to share that the Department’s flagship website has been significantly modernized and improved to provide the public and our workforce with a more intuitive, secure, and user-friendly experience. Excellence in user experience – and… Continue Reading