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Category Archives: Poverty

CDC Vital Signs: Secondhand Smoke

Vital Signs: Disparities in Nonsmokers’ Exposure to Secondhand Smoke — United States, 1999–2012. February 3, 2015 / 64 (Early Release);1-7 “No level of secondhand smoke (SHS) exposure is safe. SHS exposure occurs when nonsmokers breathe in smoke exhaled by smokers or from burning tobacco products. It kills more than 400 infants and 41,000 adult nonsmokers… Continue Reading

Temporary Assistance for Needy Families: Spending and Policy Options

CBO Report – “Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) is a federal program that provides cash assistance, work support, and other services to some low-income families. The cash assistance is generally limited to families with income well below the poverty threshold and few assets; it goes to roughly 2 million families per month, most of… Continue Reading

Does income inequality hurt economic growth?

Focus on Inequality and Growth – OECD – December 2014. Directorate for Employment, Labour and Social Affairs. “Widespread increases in income inequality have raised concerns about their potential impact on our societies and economies. New OECD research shows that when income inequality rises, economic growth falls. One reason is that poorer members of society are… Continue Reading

Wealth: Having It All and Wanting More

Oxfam International Report: “Global wealth is increasingly concentrated in the hands of a small wealthy elite. These wealthy individuals have generated and sustained their vast riches through their interests and activities in a few important economic sectors, including finance and insurance and pharmaceuticals and healthcare. Companies from these sectors spend millions of dollars every year… Continue Reading

Low Income Students Now a Majority in Public Schools

Southern Education Foundation: A New Majority – Low Income Students Now a Majority In the Nation’s Public Schools, January, 2015. “Low income students are now a majority of the schoolchildren attending the nation’s public schools, according to this research bulletin. The latest data collected from the states by the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), show that 51 percent… Continue Reading

New GAO Reports – Commercial Aviation, Nutrition Assistance

Commercial Aviation: Raising Passenger Facility Charges Would Increase Airport Funding, but Other Effects Less Certain, GAO-15-107: Published: Dec 11, 2014. Publicly Released: Jan 12, 2015. Nutrition Assistance: Additional Guidance Could Assist States in Reducing Risk of Online Sale of Infant Formula, GAO-15-94: Published: Dec 11, 2014. Publicly Released: Jan 12, 2015. Continue Reading

New GAO Report – Transportation Disadvantaged Populations

Transportation Disadvantaged Populations – Nonemergency Medical Transportation Not Well Coordinated, and Additional Federal Leadership Needed, GAO-15-110: Published: Dec 10, 2014. Publicly Released: Jan 9, 2015. “Forty-two programs across six federal departments—Agriculture, Education, Health and Human Services (HHS), Housing and Urban Development, Transportation (DOT), and Veterans Affairs (VA)—can provide funding for nonemergency medical transportation (NEMT) service, although… Continue Reading

Census posts report on Children’s Well-Being

A Child’s Day: Living Arrangements, Nativity, and Family Transitions: 2011 (Selected Indicators of Child Well-Being) Household Economic Studies By Lynda Laughlin Issued December 2014. “The well-being of children is a growing area of interest to researchers and policy makers who focus on the social, cognitive, and economic security of children as they transition from preadolescents to young adults. This report uses a variety of… Continue Reading

Small Area Income and Poverty Estimates Now Available

“According to U.S. Census Bureau estimates released today, the poverty rate for school-age children had no statistical change in 2,199 counties between 2007 and 2013 while 928 counties experienced an increase and 15 showed a decline. The statistics are from the Small Area Income and Poverty Estimates program, which provides the only up-to-date, single-year income and… Continue Reading

Welfare, Work, and Poverty Status of Female-Headed Families with Children: 1987-2013

CRS – Welfare, Work, and Poverty Status of Female-Headed Families with Children: 1987-2013,Thomas Gabe, Specialist in Social Policy, November 21, 2014. “Eighteen years have passed since repeal of what was the nation’s major cash welfare program assisting low-income families with children, the Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) program, and its replacement with a block grant of… Continue Reading