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Category Archives: Patriot Act

New Bill on DOJ Oversight for FISA

Rep. Joseph M. Hoeffel (PA) introduced a bill to amend the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978 to improve the administration and oversight of foreign intelligence surveillance, the Surveillance and Oversight and Disclosure Act of 2003 (SODA). Press release Text of H.R. 2429 (pfd) Law Would Spy on Ashcroft, from Security Focus. Continue Reading

DOJ Net Surveillance Under Fire

From the ACLU: Interested Persons Memo on Congressional oversight of the USA PATRIOT Act and Department of Justice anti-terrorism policies dismissive response on civil liberties. In related news, see this Wired article: “The Justice Department’s statements — and what it did not say — in a congressional inquiry on the use of broadened surveillance powers… Continue Reading

Ashcroft and the Patriot Act Vs. Libraries

According to an article in FCW: “Attorney General John Ashcroft defended the Justice Department’s search of library records under the USA Patriot Act, telling lawmakers the process safeguards individual privacy,” when he testified yesterday before the Judiciary Committee. In related news: Ashcroft Wants Broader Anti-Terror Powers: “Ashcroft told the House Judiciary Committee that the 2001… Continue Reading

More Public Libraries Seek Patriot Act Exemptions

From American Libraries Online: “In independent actions, the Door County (Wis.) and the Livermore (Calif.) public libraries have asked lawmakers to rescind Section 215 of the USA Patriot Act. The section gives federal agents the ability to get a court order to obtain an individual’s bookstore or library records without establishing probable cause, and forbids… Continue Reading

DOJ Clarifies Testimony on Library Searches

A DOJ press release dated June 3, states: The New York Times inaccurately reported that Assistant Attorney General Viet Dinh said FBI “agents have contacted about 50 libraries nationwide in the course of terrorism investigations” (Eric Lichtblau, Justise Dept. Lists Use of New Power to Fight Terror, May 21, 2003). The transcript of the hearing,… Continue Reading

Library and Bookseller Protection Act

S.1158, A bill to exempt bookstores and libraries from orders requiring the production of tangible things for foreign intelligence investigations, and to exempt libraries from counterintelligence access to certain records, ensuring that libraries and bookstores are subjected to the regular system of court-ordered warrants, was introduced on May 23 by Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-CA). Continue Reading

Librarians in California Protest Patriot Act reported on public protests against the Patriot Act by Palo Alto librarians. In addition to the librarians, the article states that the “police chief is supporting a resolution before the Cicty Council next week that would prohibit her department from aiding the FBI in Patriot Act searches, interviews or surveillance without evidence that a… Continue Reading

Judiciary Cmte Oversight on Patriot Act and Terrorism

From a May 20 Judiciary Committee news advisory: “House Judiciary Committee Chairman F. James Sensenbrenner, Jr. (R-Wis.) and Ranking Member John Conyers, Jr. (D-Mich.) released the answers received last week from the Justice Department regarding the USA PATRIOT Act and the war on terrorism. Chairman Sensenbrenner and Rep. Conyers wrote Attorney General John Ashcroft on… Continue Reading