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Category Archives: Patriot Act

Lawsuit on Patriot Act

This lawsuit, Muslim Community Ass’n of Ann Arbor, et al, v. John Ashcroft and Robert Mueller (July 30, 2003), filed by the ACLU on behalf of Arab-Americans, challenges the constitutionality of Section 215 of the USA Patriot Act. In related news, see this CNN article, ACLU files lawsuit against Patriot Act . Continue Reading

Ashcroft Defends Patriot Act

Attorney General Ashcroft promotes antiterrorism law: Speaking at a homeland security conference on Monday, “Ashcroft said the USA PATRIOT Act preserved traditional checks on library, bookstore and business records because a “federal judge must first issue a warrant” and because it is for “foreign intelligence that doesn’t affect U.S. persons.” Statement of Barbara Comstock, Director… Continue Reading

Congress Continues to Attack Patriot Act

House Takes Aim at Patriot Act Secret Searches: “The U.S. House of Representatives voted overwhelmingly on Tuesday to roll back a key provision (amending H.R. 2799, see link below), which allows the government to conduct secret “sneak and peek” searches of private property, of a sweeping anti-terrorism law passed soon after the Sept. 11 attacks.”… Continue Reading

New DOJ IG Report on Patriot Act Documents Civil Rights Abuses

Accusations of Abuse in Report on USA Patriot Act: “A report by internal investigators at the Justice Department has identified dozens of recent cases in which department employees have been accused of serious civil rights and civil liberties violations involving enforcement of the sweeping federal antiterrorism law known as the USA Patriot Act.” Report to… Continue Reading

New ACLU Report on the Patriot Act

From the press release: The American Civil Liberties Union today said that it has found a consistent pattern of factually inaccurate assertions by the Department of Justice in statements to the media and Congress, statements that mischaracterize the scope, potential impact and likely harm of the now-notorious USA PATRIOT Act. Seeking Truth From Justice: PATRIOT… Continue Reading

Limitations on Total Information Awareness Program Deployment

Text below is from the Department of Defense Appropriations Act, 2004, (House of Representatives – July 08, 2003), (Page: H6276) SEC. 8124. Limitation on Deployment of Terrorism Information Awareness Program: (1) Notwithstanding any other provision of law and except as provided in paragraph (2), if and when research and development on the Terrorism Information Awareness… Continue Reading

Privacy and Libraries

An editorial from the Christian Science Monitor, July 8, 2003: Privacy at the Library – “The Patriot Act, designed to help combat terrorism in the US, has many citizens worried about censorship and a loss of privacy. Vigilance certainly is warranted when it comes to ensuring Americans’ precious freedoms. And that includes ongoing, thoughtful consideration… Continue Reading

FISA and the Patriot Act

Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act Before and After the USA PATRIOT Act, from the FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin, June 2003 (via Secrecy News). “…care must be taken to ensure that the new tools provided by Congress in the USA PATRIOT Act are employed within the constraints of the Constitution. The Supreme Court has said “the police… Continue Reading

Ashcroft Asserts Clarification on Patriot Act

American Libraries Online has an interesting article on AG Ashcroft’s June 19 presentation at the Aspen Institute Journalism and Homeland Security conference. Ashcroft is quoted as stating the following: “The Patriot Act simply does not allow federal law enforcement free or unfettered access to local libraries, bookstores, or other businesses…We need the help of the… Continue Reading