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Category Archives: Patriot Act

Advocacy Group Seeks DOJ Docs in Patriot Act Lobbying Campaign

EPIC filed an action under FOIA in the U.S. District Court, DC, “seeking the expedited release of Justice Department records concerning the lobbying efforts of federal prosecutors to oppose revisions to the controversial USA PATRIOT Act. Despite widespread media coverage of the lobbying campaign, and questions as to its legality, DOJ has refused to expedite… Continue Reading

Introduction of Security and Freedom Ensured (SAFE) Act

From Sen. Russ Feingold’s press release: “…the Security and Freedom Ensured (SAFE) Act (S. 1701)…seeks to amend several particularly controversial provisions of the USA PATRIOT Act that permit the FBI to monitor law-abiding Americans without adequate judicial oversight. The SAFE Act reins in secret searches, curbs roving wiretaps, and imposes reasonable limits on FBI access… Continue Reading

Former Attorney General Bashes Librarians on Today Show

On the NBC Today show this morning, former Attorney General Edwin Meese apparently made the following statement in reference to the Patriot Act: “librarians are more interested in pushing p****graphy than fighting terrorism.” The American Library Association (ALA) President Carla Hayden responded as follows: “Similar to our current Attorney General, Mr. Meese chose to malign… Continue Reading

New Legislation to Repeal Portions of Patriot Act

Congressman Dennis J. Kucinich (D-OH) issued a press release on his introduction of a bill (H.R. 3171) to repeal sections of the Patriot Act that authorize violations of civil liberties. “The Benjamin Franklin True Patriot Act repeals sections of the USA PATRIOT Act that authorize sneak and peak searches, warrentless library, medical, and financial record… Continue Reading

Ashcroft Relents on Releasing Info On Library Records

Report on accessing library records to be open: “Countering charges that the FBI is snooping into America’s reading habits, Attorney General John Ashcroft said yesterday that he would declassify a report on how often the agency has sought information from public libraries under the USA Patriot Act. The move came after a sharp exchange this… Continue Reading

Follow-Up To Ashcroft’s Comments on Librarians and Patriot Act

Additional links related to yesterday’s New York Times article: The text of the Prepared Remarks of Attorney General John Ashcroft, “The Proven Tactics in the Fight against Crime” Washington, D.C., September 15, 2003. He uses the word hysteria six times. Letter to the Editor, New York Times, September 17, from Rep. Bernie Sanders (I-VT): Ashcroft… Continue Reading

Ashcroft, Libraries and the Patriot Act

From today’s New York Times: Ashcroft Mocks Librarians and Others Who Oppose Parts of Counterterrorism Law: “Attorney General John Ashcroft today accused the country’s biggest library association and other critics of fueling “baseless hysteria” about the government’s ability to pry into the public’s reading habits.” American Library Association responds to Attorney General remarks on librarians… Continue Reading

New Regs Go Into Effect to Process New Bank Account Applicants

On April 30, 2003 the Department of the Treasury issued final regs on Implementing Customer Identity Verification Requirements under Section 326 of the USA PATRIOT Act. This Fact Sheet provides details about the Customer Identification Program (CIP), effective October 1, 2003, which will require that financial institutions: Collect identifying information about customers opening an account… Continue Reading