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Category Archives: Patriot Act

ACLU v. Gonzales – Patriot Act and Data Collection on Library Patrons

ACLU press release: “The American Civil Liberties Union today disclosed that the FBI has used a controversial Patriot Act power to demand records from an organization that possesses “a wide array of sensitive information about library patrons, including information about the reading materials borrowed by library patrons and about Internet usage by library patrons.” The… Continue Reading

Growing Recognition for Lobbying Clout of ALA

Although not a surprise to members of the organization, as well as special librarians, researchers, publishers, Congress and…in any case, here is a link to an article from the ABA Journal acknowledging the American Library Association’s successful lobbying efforts on issues that include the Patriot Act, DMCA and CIPA. Related reference: CRS report, USA PATRIOT… Continue Reading

Senate Passes PATRIOT Reauthorization Bill

ALAWON: American Library Association Washington Office Newsline, Volume 14, Number 73, August 1, 2005 “Late on Friday, July 29, the final day before its summer recess, the Senate passed S. 1389 (the USA PATRIOT Improvement and Reauthorization Act of 2005) on unanimous consent (no debate, no amendments, no roll call vote). The bill adds to… Continue Reading

House Judiciary Cmte. Report on Patriot Act

From the U.S. House of Representatives, Committee on the Judiciary, Subcommittee on Courts, the Internet, and Intellectual Property July 18, 2005 – H. Rept. 109-174, part 1 to Accompany H.R. 3199, USA PATRIOT Act and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2005 (510 pages, PDF) See also this committee bibliography of links on the USA Patriot Act. Continue Reading

Expiring Patriot Act Provisions Reauthorized by Congress

The House (H.R. 3199) and the Senate Judiciary Committee voted to renew provisions of the Patriot Act which sunset by year’s end. House Supports PATRIOT Act Reauthorization in Solid, Bipartisan Vote – Sensenbrenner: The American people are safer today because of the PATRIOT Act’s vital law enforcement and intelligence reforms. Sensenbrenner House Floor Statement on… Continue Reading

Portions of Patriot Act on Intelligence Law Made Permanent by House Committee Vote Today

H.R. 3199, To extend and modify authorities needed to combat terrorism, and for other purposes. Introduced July 11, 2005 U.S. Newswire – “The House Judiciary Committee today passed legislation (H.R. 3199) reauthorizing the USA-PATRIOT Act by a 23-to-14 vote with 2 Members voting present. The Committee adopted some of the dozens of amendments it considered… Continue Reading

NY Times Editorial Today on Patriot Act

“Unnecessary Powers: The Patriot Act already gives government too much power to spy on ordinary Americans, but things could get far worse. Congress is considering adding a broad new investigative power, known as the administrative subpoena, that would allow the Federal Bureau of Investigation to gain access to anyone’s financial, medical, employment and even library… Continue Reading