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Category Archives: Patriot Act

Senate Patriot Act Reauthorization Vote Scheduled For Friday?

Following up on yesterday’s Bipartisan Coalition Seeks 3 Month Extension on Expiration of Patriot Act Provisions, today EPIC posted internal FBI documents obtained from a FOIA lawsuit against the DOJ, detailing government use of controversial sections of the Patriot Act scheduled for reauthorization by year’s end. EPIC’s requests for further documents are pending, and may… Continue Reading

Bipartisan Coalition Seeks 3 Month Extension on Expiration of Patriot Act Provisions

Follow-up to Deal Reached on Patriot Act Reauthorization Amid Wide Disagreement, this press release today: “Senator Patrick Leahy, (D-Vt.), the ranking Democratic member of the Judiciary Committee, has forged a coalition of Republican and Democratic senators that introduced a bill Monday to extend the expiring provisions of the USA PATRIOT Act to give Congress more… Continue Reading

Increased Scrutiny of Patriot Act Reauthorization Highlights Key Issue

LA Times: Was Focus of Patriot Act Debate a Dodge? – The ‘library provision’ took center stage, but critics say subpoena-like national security letters, widely used by the FBI, deserve greater scrutiny. previous posting on FBI use of National Security Letters Related article: Must we renew the Patriot Act? by Declan McCullagh, which points to… Continue Reading

Canada Moves to Exercise Data Protection Guidelines With U.S.

Canada drafts proposals to shield personal data from U.S. anti-terror law, Jim Bronskill, Canadian Press, December 11, 2005: “A federal proposal would allow government departments to immediately cancel a contract with an American firm if it hands personal information about Canadians to U.S. anti-terrorism investigators.” Related links: Canadian Internet Policy and Public Interest Clinic (CIPPIC)… Continue Reading

ALA Calls for No Vote on Patriot Act Reauthorization

ALAWON: American Library Association Washington Office Newsline, Volume 14, Number 121, December 8, 2005. “House and Senate negotiators reached an agreement on Thursday, December 08, 2005, to extend the USA PATRIOT Act. The agreement would extend for four years – until 2009– Sec. 215 of the PATRIOT Act’s — permitting secret warrants for books, records… Continue Reading

Deal Reached on Patriot Act Reauthorization Amid Wide Disagreement

News reports this afternoon on the compromise reached by the House and Senate on Patriot Act reauthorization include the strong caveat that not all Senators are satisfied (see statements as follows, from Leahy and Feingold), and opposition continues (specifically from the so-called gang of six). Although 16 provisions will now sunset in four as opposed… Continue Reading

Patriot Act Reauthorization Encounters Strong Opposition

Following up on reports of civil liberties protections having been stripped from the draft Patriot Act reauthorization and information that the bill contains “poison pill measures,” news today that a bipartisan group of Senators (including Feingold and Sununu) is attempting to block passage of bill by the full Senate. Their statement is here. Continue Reading

ALA Urges Vote Against Patriot Act Conference Report

From American Library Association Washington Office Newsline: “The House is scheduled to vote on the PATRIOT Act conference report as early as Thursday, November 17. The revised bill does not contain important civil liberties safeguards sought by ALA and other advocates…The revised bill sunsets at seven years (The Senate bill sunset was 4 years and… Continue Reading

Groups Seek Gov Docs on Impact of Patriot Act on Academic Freedom

Press release: “The American Association of University Professors (AAUP) has joined with the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and PEN American Center in a legal action against the U.S. Departments of State, Justice, and Homeland Security and the Central Intelligence Agency. In a complaint filed [November 10, 2005 – 19 pages, PDF], the national groups… Continue Reading

Conference on Patriot Act Reauthorization Urged to Adopt Four Year Sunset

From the American Bar Association President, this November 9, 2005 letter (3 pages, PDF) requests that conferees seeking to reach agreement on the House (H.R. 3199) and Senate versions (S. 1389) accept language reforming sections 206, 213 and 215. These sections address limitations to the use of wiretaps, search warrants for homes and businesses, and… Continue Reading