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Category Archives: Patriot Act

Conclusions of the European Council Meeting October 24-25, 2013

This STATEMENT OF HEADS OF STATE OR GOVERMENT appears on the last of the 19 page document [snipped]: “The Heads of State or Government discussed recent developments concerning possible intelligence issues and the deep concerns that these events have raised among European citizens. They underlined the close relationship between Europe and the USA and the value… Continue Reading

UK Guardian – NSA monitored calls of 35 world leaders after US official handed over contacts

Jason Ball – The NSA memo suggests that such surveillance was not isolated as the agency routinely monitors world leaders. [snipped] “The National Security Agency monitored the phone conversations of 35 world leaders after being given the numbers by an official in another US government department, according to a classified document provided by whistleblower Edward… Continue Reading

Court Rules Presidential Directives are Not Subject to FOIA but Orders Release of Additional Documents to EPIC

“A federal court has issued an opinion in EPIC v. NSA, EPIC’s Freedom of Information Act lawsuit concerning the government’s policy for the security of American computer networks. As a result of the lawsuit, EPIC obtained documents that the National Security Agency had withheld from the public. The documents concern NSPD 54, a presidential policy directive outlining the scope of the NSA’s authority over… Continue Reading

Le Monde documents NSA PRISM surveillance of citizens

Jacques Follorou and Glenn Greenwald, Le Monde: “According to the documents retrieved from the NSA database by its ex-analyst, telephone communications of French citizens are intercepted on a massive scale. Le Monde has been able to obtain access to documents which describe the techniques used to violate the secrets or simply the private life of… Continue Reading

Report – What the Government Does with Americans’ Data

What the Government Does with Americans’ Data, by Rachel Levinson-Waldman, Brennan Center for Justice, October 8, 2013. “After the attacks of September 11, 2001, the government’s authority to collect, keep, and share information about Americans with little or no basis to suspect wrongdoing dramatically expanded. While the risks and benefits of this approach are the… Continue Reading

Congressional Notification for Authorized Public Disclosure of Intelligence Information

Steven Aftergood/Secrecy News: “A new Department of Defense directive requires the Pentagon to notify Congress whenever a DoD official discloses classified intelligence to a reporter on an authorized basis, or declassifies the information specifically for release to the press. The new directive on “Congressional Notification for Authorized Public Disclosure of Intelligence Information” applies to all… Continue Reading

The Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program

“The Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program (HSEEP) provides a set of guiding principles for exercise programs, as well as a common approach to exercise program management, design and development, conduct, evaluation, and improvement planning. Exercises are a key component of national preparedness —they provide elected and appointed officials and stakeholders from across the whole… Continue Reading

Government Responds to EPIC’s Supreme Court Challenge of NSA Telephone Record Program

“The Solicitor General has filed a response to EPIC’s challenge to the NSA’s telephone record collection program. In July, EPIC petitioned the Supreme Court to vacate the order of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court that requires Verizon to turn over all telephone records to the NSA. EPIC argued that the Intelligence Court exceeded its legal… Continue Reading

Paper – The Massive Metadata Machine

The Massive Metadata Machine: Liberty, Power, and Secret Mass Surveillance in the U.S. and Europe, Bryce Clayton Newell, University of Washington – The Information School, October 11, 2013. I/S: A Journal of Law and Policy for the Information Society (ISJLP), 10, 2014 “This paper explores the relationship between liberty and security implicated by secret government… Continue Reading

Guardian – FISA Court rules that allow NSA to use US data

“Top secret documents submitted to the court that oversees surveillance by US intelligence agencies show the judges have signed off on broad orders which allow the NSA to make use of information “inadvertently” collected from domestic US communications without a warrant. The Guardian is publishing in full two documents submitted to the secret Foreign Intelligence… Continue Reading

What the Government Does with Americans’ Data

What the Government Does with Americans’ Data, by Rachel Levinson-Waldman, October 8, 2013. “After the attacks of September 11, 2001, the government’s authority to collect, keep, and share information about Americans with little or no basis to suspect wrongdoing dramatically expanded. While the risks and benefits of this approach are the subject of intense debate,… Continue Reading

Guardian – NSA, GCHQ target Tor network that protects anonymity of web users

One technique developed by the agency targeted the Firefox web browser used with Tor, giving the agency full control over targets’ computers by James Ball, Bruce Schneier and Glenn Greenwald “The National Security Agency has made repeated attempts to develop attacks against people using Tor, a popular tool designed to protect online anonymity, despite the… Continue Reading