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Category Archives: Microsoft

FTC Obtains TRO Against Company Using Pop-Up Ad Scam Scheme

The Federal Trade Commission issued a news release today on a temporary restraining order obtained from District Court, Northern District of Maryland against D Squared Solutions, a company that bombarded Windows Messenger service users with pop-up ads, whether or not consumers were on the web. Complaint for Injunctive and Other Equitable Relief Temporary Restraining Order… Continue Reading

Microsoft Posts Bounty for Hackers

“Microsoft Corp. today announced the creation of the Anti-Virus Reward Program, initially funded with $5 million (U.S.), to help law enforcement agencies identify and bring to justice those who illegally release damaging worms, viruses and other types of malicious code on the Internet. Microsoft will provide the monetary rewards for information resulting in the arrest… Continue Reading

Microsoft Obtains Patent on Unique User IDs

United States Patent 6,632,248, Customization of network documents by accessing customization information on a server computer using uniquie (note: the word unique is misspelled in the patent document itself) user identifiers. “The customization options may include a wide variety of information such as, for example, network addresses (e.g., URLs) of a user’s favorite sites, types… Continue Reading