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Category Archives: Medicine

FTC – New dietary supplement website launched

“Ever wonder if your dietary supplements are truly safe, effective and risk-free? If you are a member of the military, this question can be particularly important. Servicemembers often are targeted by companies selling supplements: to help members of the military lose weight, enhance workouts, or be in top shape for battle. If you’re considering using… Continue Reading

Inequalities in Life Expectancy Among US Counties, 1980 to 2014

Inequalities in Life Expectancy Among US Counties, 1980 to 2014 – Temporal Trends and Key Drivers. Laura Dwyer-Lindgren, MPH; Amelia Bertozzi-Villa, MPH; Rebecca W. Stubbs, BA; et al Chloe Morozoff, MPH; Johan P. Mackenbach, MD, PhD2; Frank J. van Lenthe, PhD; Ali H. Mokdad, PhD; Christopher J. L. Murray, MD, DPhil. JAMA Intern Med. Published… Continue Reading

Consumer Reports – How the Affordable Care Act Drove Down Personal Bankruptcy

How the Affordable Care Act Drove Down Personal Bankruptcy Expanded health insurance helped cut the number of filings by half by Allen St. John May 02, 2017: “As legislators and the executive branch renew their efforts to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act this [past] week, they might want to keep in mind a… Continue Reading

The Future of Jobs and Jobs Training

Pew – May 3, 2017: The Future of Jobs and Jobs Training – “As robots, automation and artificial intelligence perform more tasks and there is massive disruption of jobs, experts say a wider array of education and skills-building programs will be created to meet new demands. There are two uncertainties: Will well-prepared workers be able… Continue Reading

CRS – Advanced Gene Editing: CRISPR – Cas9

Advanced Gene Editing: CRISPR-Cas9, Congressional Research Service, April 28, 2017. [via FAS] “Scientists have long sought the ability to control and modify DNA—the code of life. A new gene editing technology known as CRISPR-Cas9 offers the potential for substantial improvement over previous technologies in that it is simple to use and inexpensive and has a… Continue Reading

Report Provides Blueprint Of How Memory Can Be Improved When It’s Lagging

Kaiser Health News: “A new study looks at the effects of electrical stimulation on the brain, and how those pulses can improve and impair memory.” The New York Times: ‘Pacemaker’ For The Brain Can Help Memory, Study Finds  – Well-timed pulses from electrodes implanted in the brain can enhance memory in some people, scientists reported… Continue Reading

Kaiser – Repeal, Replace, Revise: Your Guide To How A Trump Proposal Might Change ACA Insurance

Kaiser Health News: “Repeal and replace is on-again, off-again, but that doesn’t mean the rules affecting your insurance will remain unchanged. The Trump administration late Thursday issued a final rule aimed at stabilizing the health law’s insurance marketplace that could have rapid, dramatic effects on people who do not get insurance through work and buy it on the… Continue Reading

Will the US have enough workers to help an aging population?

GAO WatchBlog: “More than 12 million Americans need assistance with routine daily activities, such as eating, dressing, bathing, and making meals. Direct care workers—home health aides, psychiatric aides, nursing assistants, and personal care aides—are the primary paid providers of the long-term care they need. As the baby boomers age, there are concerns that there may… Continue Reading

PLOS medical special issue research on dementia

Dementia: Across the Lifespan & Around the Globe – “Alzheimer’s Disease International (ADI) estimates there will be over 131.5 million people living with dementia by 2050, as well as a shift in burden from the richest to poorest countries. These trends emphasize the need for a greater understanding of dementia from a global perspective. This… Continue Reading

Brief – Who Gains and Who Loses under the American Health Care Act

Brief – Who Gains and Who Loses under the American Health Care Act, Linda J. Blumberg, Matthew Buettgens, John Holahan, Gordon B. Mermin, Frank Sammartino. March 22, 2017. “Congress is currently considering passage of the American Health Care Act (AHCA). This bill would repeal large portions of the Affordable Care Act, including most of its… Continue Reading

House GOP amended health care bill, but CBO estimates of coverage losses are not likely to meaningfully improve

Follow up to previous postings included in CBO Health Score – 14 million more uninsured next year under GOP plan – via Brookings – “Late Monday night (March 20, 2017) Republican leaders unveiled a “manager’s amendment” that makes several changes to the American Health Care Act (AHCA). The House is currently scheduled to vote on… Continue Reading