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Category Archives: Medicine

What does ‘recovered from coronavirus’ mean? 4 questions answered about how some survive and what happens next

Via LLRX – What does ‘recovered from coronavirus’ mean? 4 questions answered about how some survive and what happens next – Just as the number of COVID-19 cases grows, so does another number: those who have recovered. In mid-March, the number of patients in the U.S. who had officially recovered from the virus was close… Continue Reading

COVID-19 and the Global Library Field

IFLA – “Key Resources for Libraries in responding to the Coronavirus Pandemic The information and resources below are provided on a non-exhaustive basis but will be updated regularly. It is based on publicly available information, and that submitted to [email protected]. We welcome additional ideas, references, suggestions and corrections to this address. Please see also our … Continue Reading

Study identifies clear link between long-term exposure to pollution and Covid-19 death rates

Exposure to air pollution and COVID-19 mortality in the United States (Updated April 5, 2020) “Background: United States government scientists estimate that COVID-19 may kill between 100,000 and 240,000 Americans. The majority of the pre-existing conditions that increase the risk of death for COVID-19 are the same diseases that are affected by long-term exposure to… Continue Reading

What We Pretend to Know About the Coronavirus Could Kill Us

The New York Times: “…We’ve grown accustomed to living through an information war fought largely by hardened political operatives and trolls. But while the coronavirus crisis is political and will continue to be politicized, its most consequential fights will take place in the “fog of pandemic” where so much of our data — from health… Continue Reading

HHS OIG Report – Hospital Experiences Responding to COVID-19

Hospital Experiences Responding to the COVID-19 Pandemic: Results of a National Pulse Survey March 23-27, 2020 04-03-2020 | OEI-06-20-00300 | Complete Report “…WHAT WE FOUND – Hospitals reported that their most significant challenges centered on testing and caring for patients with COVID-19 and keeping staff safe. Hospitals said that severe shortages of testing supplies and extended… Continue Reading

COVID-19 Ventilator Projects and Resources and FAQ

GitHub – “An analyzed list of projects to make emergency ventilators in response to COVID-19, focusing on free-libre open source. PLEASE make pull requests or submit issues too add any project missing from this list. The comments are entirely my own (possibly not well-informed) opinions and are meant to be helpful to those looking for… Continue Reading

How long does the coronavirus live on surfaces?

USA Today – Coronavirus can survive on common materials for hours or even days. Here’s what you need to know and how to protect yourself. “Tiny, infected water droplets that drift in the air or land on surfaces have multiplied into a global pandemic.  Typically, an infected person’s cough or sneeze spreads SARS-CoV-2 – the coronavirus that causes the disease… Continue Reading

Americans who primarily get news through social media least likely to follow COVID-19 coverage

“While coverage of the COVID-19 pandemic consumes the nation’s news, people whose most common pathway to political and election news is through social media are less likely than others to be closely following that coverage. And more of these social media news consumers say they have seen at least some misinformation about the pandemic, according… Continue Reading

Shortages of COVID-19 Emergency Equipment in U.S. Cities

US Conference of Mayors – “The survey described in this report illustrates the scope and severity of the need for COVID-19 emergency equipment in this nation’s cities.  It shows that, despite their best efforts, most cities do not have and cannot obtain adequate equipment and supplies needed to protect their residents.  This is a life-threatening crisis… Continue Reading

NYT Sharing Coronavirus Case Data for Every U.S. County

The New York Times – We’re Sharing Coronavirus Case Data for Every U.S. County – “With no detailed government database on where the thousands of coronavirus cases have been reported, a team of New York Times journalists is attempting to track every case. As the coronavirus has spread across the United States, killing hundreds of… Continue Reading

Zoombombing, data privacy, webcam backdrop, virtual town hall

CVUSD meeting falls victim to “Zoombombing” Vice – Zoom Removes Code That Sends Data to Facebook – The change comes after Motherboard found the Zoom iOS app was sending analytics information to Facebook when users opened the apps See also The Web Around [I do not have one but it may be of interest] –… Continue Reading