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Category Archives: Medicine

U.S. Public Now Divided Over Whether To Get COVID-19 Vaccine

“As efforts to develop and test a COVID-19 vaccine spur debate around the timing and release of a federally approved vaccine, the share of Americans who say they would get vaccinated for the coronavirus has declined sharply since earlier this year. About half of U.S. adults (51%) now say they would definitely or probably get… Continue Reading

How the Internet Archive is Ensuring Permanent Access to Open Access Journal Articles

Internet Archive Blogs: Internet Archive has archived and identified 9 million open access journal articles– the next 5 million is getting harder – “Open Access journals, such as New Theology Review (ISSN: 0896-4297) and Open Journal of Hematology (ISSN: 2075-907X), made their research articles available for free online for years. With a quick click or… Continue Reading

2020 Cost of a Data Breach Report

Via Bluefin: “IBM and the Ponemon Institute’s long-awaited 2020 Cost of a Data Breach Report has finally arrived — and with it comes critical insight into the current landscape of cyber security. For the fifteenth consecutive year, IBM and the Ponemon Institute have partnered to analyze the latest breaches at over 500 organizations to uncover… Continue Reading

FDA’s Role in the Medical Product Supply Chain and Considerations During COVID-19

CRS report via LC – FDA’s Role in the Medical Product Supply Chain and Considerations During COVID-19, September 1, 2020: “The Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has affected the medical product supply chain globally and domestically. Although concerns about the U.S. medical product supply chain predate the emergence of COVID-19, the ongoing pandemic has underscored… Continue Reading

COVID-19 Is Transmitted Through Aerosols

TIME – We Have Enough Evidence, Now It Is Time to Act: “…When it comes to COVID-19, the evidence overwhelmingly supports aerosol transmission, and there are no strong arguments against it. For example, contact tracing has found that much COVID-19 transmission occurs in close proximity, but that many people who share the same home with… Continue Reading

Postal Service delays of prescription drugs put thousands of American lives at risk

NBC News: “…The Postal Service manages 1.2 billion prescription drug shipments a year — or about 4 million each day, six days a week — the National Association of Letter Carriers reported earlier this year. That number has grown during the pandemic, and many recipients are accusing President Donald Trump and the White House of… Continue Reading

5 companies that want to track your emotions

Fortune: “Faced with ongoing social isolation, a turbulent economic climate, and continued uncertainty about when life will return to a simulacrum of normalcy—and what that normal will even look like—many adults are exhibiting mounting signs of clinical anxiety and depression during the COVID-19 pandemic, according to data from the U.S. Census Bureau. As the world’s… Continue Reading

FDA ‘Grossly Misrepresented’ Blood Plasma Data, Scientists Say

The New York Times: “…Although there have been some positive signs that it can reduce deaths in Covid-19 patients, no randomized trials have shown that it works. A popular access program set up this spring by the F.D.A. and run by the Mayo Clinic has provided the treatment to more than 70,000 people, but it… Continue Reading

Internet Searches for Acute Anxiety During the Early Stages of the COVID-19 Pandemic

JAMA Internal Medicine. Accepted for Publication: June 10, 2020. Corresponding Author: John W. Ayers, PhD, MA, Division of Infectious Diseases and Global Public Health, Department of Medicine, University of California, San Diego, 9500 Gilman Dr, 333 CRSF, La Jolla, CA 92093 ([email protected]). Published Online: August 24, 2020. doi:10.1001/jamainternmed.2020.3305 “There is widespread concern that the coronavirus… Continue Reading

Avaaz Report Facebook’s Algorithm: A Major Threat to Public Health

“In this report, Avaaz uncovers global health misinformation spreading networks on Facebook that reached an estimated 3.8 billion views in the last year spanning at least five countries — the United States, the UK, France, Germany, and Italy. Many of these networks, made up of both websites and Facebook pages, have spread vaccination and health… Continue Reading

As pandemic rages, Facebook distributes dangerous health misinformation on a massive scale

Popular Info: “Facebook talks a lot about its efforts to “keep people safe and informed about the coronavirus.” According to the company, it is “connecting people to credible information,” “combating COVID-19 misinformation,” and “supporting fact-checkers…So that’s what Facebook says. But how successful has the company been at combating misinformation about COVID and other health issues?… Continue Reading

Public assessments of the U.S. coronavirus outbreak

“Three-quarters of Americans say that “not enough people following social distancing and mask-wearing guidelines” is a major reason the coronavirus outbreak has continued in the United States – the most commonly cited major reason among the six asked about in the Pew survey. Roughly six-in-ten (58%) also say a major reason for the continued spread… Continue Reading