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Category Archives: Medicine

The Covid Resilience Ranking

Bloomberg – The Best and Worst Places to Be in the Coronavirus Era – “…The Magic Formula?…The under-performance of some of the world’s most prominent democracies including the U.S., U.K. and India contrasted with the success of authoritarian countries like China and Vietnam has raised questions over whether democratic societies are cut out for tackling… Continue Reading

A Framework for Equitable Allocation of Vaccine for the Novel Coronavirus

“Despite the worldwide effort to develop safe and effective vaccines against COVID-19 and ramp up production capacity, it is inevitable that initial vaccine supply will be limited. Therefore, policymakers must develop plans to ensure the equitable allocation of limited doses until there is sufficient global supply. In response to a request from the National Institutes of… Continue Reading

Ad Council’s Challenge: Persuade Skeptics to Believe in Covid Vaccines

“…While the pharmaceutical companies Pfizer and Moderna have announced promising updates on the vaccines they are developing, President-elect Joseph R. Biden Jr. has blamed President Trump for causing anxiety about the safety of potential immunization efforts. Anti-vaccine sentiment has been growing for decades, driven in part by a backlash against pharmaceutical companies. Fifty-eight percent of… Continue Reading

Now comes the hardest part: Getting a coronavirus vaccine from loading dock to upper arm

Washington Post: “The vaccines need to be distributed across 50 states, plus U.S. territories, that have different demographics and shifting needs. The leading products must be stored at different temperatures and have different minimum orders, with each requiring two shots though the three vaccines don’t all share the same schedule…Complicating matters: A final decision on… Continue Reading

Inside the Chaotic, Cutthroat Gray Market for N95 Masks

The New York Times – “As the country heads into a dangerous new phase of the pandemic, the government’s management of the P.P.E. crisis has left the private sector still straining to meet anticipated demand…The N95 respirator is emblematic of globalized capitalism: It is made out of fossil fuels, manufactured at enormous scale, often in… Continue Reading

Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine distribution will be a “logistical nightmare”

CBS News: “The long wait for a vaccine that could eventually spell the end of the coronavirus pandemic appears to be on the horizon. Last week, Pfizer said its vaccine in a trial has been 90% effective in preventing COVID-19, while Moderna on Monday announced similarly encouraging results. The companies could get emergency federal approval within… Continue Reading

How the Swiss Cheese Model Can Help Us Beat Covid-19

APK Metro: “In hopeful information this week, Pfizer and its companion, BioNTech, launched interim outcomes from an ongoing trial of their candidate coronavirus vaccine. The examine concerned 43,538 volunteers who have been randomly assigned both the vaccine or a placebo. The charges of an infection have been small for each teams, however those that acquired… Continue Reading

COVID-19: Poynter Resources

“Poynter’s mission is to champion the duty of a free press to inform, educate and hold the powerful accountable. As the COVID-19 pandemic progresses, journalists, fact-checkers, educators and students around the world look to Poynter for best practices in covering the most significant story of this generation. Thanks to donations and grants, Poynter is able… Continue Reading

States ramp up for biggest vaccination effort in US history

AP: “With a COVID-19 vaccine drawing closer, public health officials across the country are gearing up for the biggest vaccination effort in U.S. history — a monumental undertaking that must distribute hundreds of millions of doses, prioritize who’s first in line and ensure that people who get the initial shot return for the necessary second… Continue Reading

What Places Are Hardest Hit by the Coronavirus? It Depends on the Measure

The New York Times – “The coronavirus is tearing across the United States at an alarming pace. Hospitals are filled to perilous levels. More than 120,000 new cases are being identified every day. And ever higher and more miserable records — of states’ cases, of positive testing rates, of hospitalizations — are being set, day… Continue Reading