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Category Archives: Legislation

CBO Report – H.R. 3713, Sentencing Reform Act of 2015

“H.R. 3713 would amend federal law to change the prison sentences associated with certain offenses. Based on information provided by the Department of Justice (DOJ) and the U.S. Sentencing Commission (USSC), CBO estimates that implementing the legislation would reduce the cost of incarcerating offenders and would lead to a reduction in discretionary costs to DOJ… Continue Reading

The Second Symposium on Ending Too Big to Fail

“The Minneapolis Fed’s #EndingTBTF initiative will explore various proposals from expert researchers and incorporate input from a wide range of thought leaders, culminating in an actionable plan to end TBTF, which will be released by the end of the year….” Presentations and videos posted by speakers are available here. Continue Reading

Agencies Invite Comment on Proposed Rule to Prohibit Incentive-Based Pay that Encourages Inappropriate Risk-Taking in Financial Institutions

“Six federal agencies are inviting public comment on a proposed rule to prohibit incentive-based compensation arrangements that encourage inappropriate risks at covered financial institutions. The deadline for comments on the proposed rule, which was submitted for publication in the Federal Register, is July 22, 2016. Section 956 of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer… Continue Reading

California’s Legislature Wants to Copyright All Government Works

Via Ernesto Falcon – EFF: “AB 2880 will give state and local governments dramatic powers to chill speech, stifle open government, and harm the public domain. The California Assembly Committee on Judiciary recently approved a bill (AB 2880) to grant local and state governments’ copyright authority along with other intellectual property rights. At its core,… Continue Reading

Transportation Security: Issues for the 114th Congress

CRS report – Transportation Security: Issues for the 114th Congress. Bart Elias, Specialist in Aviation Policy; David Randall Peterman, Analyst in Transportation Policy; John Frittelli, Specialist in Transportation Policy. May 9, 2016. “The nation’s air, land, and marine transportation systems are designed for accessibility and efficiency, two characteristics that make them highly vulnerable to terrorist… Continue Reading

National Defense Authorization Act for FY2017 and Low Energy Nuclear Reactions

Via the New Energy Times, Excerpt from May 4, 2016, Report of the Committee on Armed Services House of Representatives on HR 4909 Together With Additional Views see Congress Directs Secretary of Defense to Provide LENR Briefing as follows: “The committee is aware of recent positive developments in developing low-energy nuclear reactions (LENR), which produce… Continue Reading

New FTC Business Guidance for Employment Background Screening Companies Helps With FCRA Compliance

“The Federal Trade Commission has created new guidance for businesses aimed at giving employment background screening companies information on how to comply with the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA). The guidance helps companies understand when their work defines them as a consumer reporting agency under the FCRA. Consumer reporting agencies must meet a number of… Continue Reading

15 Facts About Our National Mammal: The American Bison

Big Day for Animals on beSpacific! Did you know that President Obama has declared the American Bison as our national mammal? Yes indeed he did. “On May 9, 2016, President Obama signed the National Bison Legacy Act into law, officially making the American bison the national mammal of the United States. This majestic animal joins… Continue Reading

Delivery Drones: Coming to the Sky Near You?

CRS Reports & Analysis Legal Sidebar – Delivery Drones: Coming to the Sky Near You? – 05/06/2016: “Can you prevent a drone from flying over your house to deliver a package to your neighbor? Until now, that question has been of purely theoretical interest. However, the Senate recently passed a bill that could significantly change… Continue Reading

DOJ Files Complaint Against the State of North Carolina to Stop Discrimination Against Transgender Individuals

“Attorney General Loretta E. Lynch announced [May 9, 2016] that the Justice Department has filed a complaint against the state of North Carolina, the University of North Carolina (UNC) and the North Carolina Department of Public Safety (DPS) alleging that they are discriminating against transgender individuals in violation of federal law as a result of… Continue Reading

H.R. 4894, a bill to repeal title II of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act

CBO: “H.R. 4894 would repeal title II of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform Act of 2010. That title provides the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) with the authority and funding through the Orderly Liquidation Fund (OLF) to liquidate large, systemically important financial firms (including banks and nonbank firms) that become or are in danger of… Continue Reading

GAO Report – Smartphone Data: Information and Issues Regarding Surreptitious Tracking Apps That Can Facilitate Stalking

Smartphone Data: Information and Issues Regarding Surreptitious Tracking Apps That Can Facilitate Stalking, GAO-16-317: Published: Apr 21, 2016. Publicly Released: May 9, 2016. “GAO found that the majority of the reviewed websites for smartphone tracking applications (apps) marketed their products to parents or employers to track the location of their children or employees, respectively, or… Continue Reading