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Category Archives: Legislation

Trump weakens environmental law to speed up permits for pipelines and other infrastructure

CNBC: “President Donald Trump on Wednesday finalized a rollback to the country’s landmark environmental law, the National Environmental Policy Act, by speeding up approval for federal projects like pipelines, highways and power plants.  NEPA was signed into law by President Richard Nixon 50 years ago and requires federal agencies to consider the environmental consequences of infrastructure projects before… Continue Reading

Federal workers are returning to the office

Washington Post – Some members of Congress say they shouldn’t be. “With the number of coronavirus cases increasing across much of the country, leading members of Congress on civil service issues are challenging orders by federal agencies for teleworking federal employees to return to their regular worksites. “I think we have to press the pause… Continue Reading

Programs to Collect Data on Law Enforcement Activities: Overview and Issues

CRS report via LC – Programs to Collect Data on Law Enforcement Activities: Overview and Issues, July 6, 2020: “The death of George Floyd in Minneapolis, MN,while he was in the custody of law enforcement, and several other recent high-profile deaths of African Americans at the hands of police,have generated interest in legislation to reform… Continue Reading

Federal government moving ahead with removing protections for birds under Migratory Bird Treaty Act

“From the Cornell Lab of Ornithology e-newsletter: Public Comment Period Open: The federal government is moving ahead with removing protections for birds under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act. The American Ornithological Society has this summary, and you can provide public comments through July 20. The AOS statement (July 1) begins: In March, we published a blog post on the Migratory Bird… Continue Reading

Stimulus check update, status, amount, eligibility

CNET – Everything to know about the IRS payment – “Answers to all your stimulus payment questions are here. Find out how much of the $1,200 you could receive, see if the IRS has scheduled your 2020 check yet, learn when your money will arrive and more…We’ll help you understand: If you’re eligible to receive… Continue Reading

Knowledge Mismanagement – How the Virus Won

The New York Times – article and infographics – “Invisible outbreaks sprang up everywhere. The United States ignored the warning signs. We analyzed travel patterns, hidden infections and genetic data to show how the epidemic spun out of control…How the First Outbreaks Spread – Top federal health experts concluded by late February that the virus… Continue Reading

“No-Knock” Warrants and Other Law Enforcement Identification Considerations

CRS Sidebar via LC – “No-Knock”Warrants and Other Law Enforcement Identification Considerations, June 23, 2020: “In the wake of protests over the death of George Floyd while in police custody, some Members of Congress have expressed interest in passing legislation that would alter the policing practices of federal, state, and local law enforcement officers. One… Continue Reading

Legislative Responses for Policing-State Bill Tracking Database

“The National Conference of State Legislatures provides you with up-to-date, real-time information on law enforcement legislation that has been introduced in the 50 states and the District of Columbia. The database contains policing bills and executive orders introduced as of May 25, 2020, that are in response to recent events. You can search legislation for by… Continue Reading

Conducting Research on Federal Real Property: A Guide to Selected Resources

CRS report via LC – Conducting Research on Federal Real Property: A Guide to Selected Resources, June 22, 2020: “This report is designed to introduce congressional staff to selected sources published by the General Services Administration (GSA) that may be useful in conducting research on federal real property—land, buildings, and structures owned, operated, or leased… Continue Reading

Center for American Women and Politics Launches Public Database of Women Elected Officials

Rutgers Egaleton Institute of Politics: “The CAWP Women Elected Officials Database represents the most complete collection of information anywhere in the world about women elected officials in the United States [please see the FAQ for all the details]. The database includes full historical listings for women who have held office at the congressional, statewide elected… Continue Reading

Supreme Court Rules Title VII Bars Discrimination AgainstGay and Transgender Employees: Potential Implications

CRS report via LC – Supreme Court Rules Title VII Bars Discrimination Against Gay and Transgender Employees: Potential Implications, June 17 2020: “On June 15, 2020, the Supreme Court issued a decision in a series of cases brought by gay and transgender workers alleging that their employers violated Title VII of the Civil Rights Act… Continue Reading

Top Challenges Facing Federal Agencies: COVID-19 Emergency Relief and Response Efforts

Top Challenges Facing Federal Agencies: COVID-19 Emergency Relief and Response Efforts As reported by Offices of Inspector General across government – June 17, 2020. “…Each year, OIGs identify and report on the top management and performance challenges facing their agencies. CIGIE also issues an annual report that includes a list of the top challenges faced… Continue Reading