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Category Archives: Legislation

Treasury and Federal Reserve Financial Assistance in Title IV of the CARES Act

Treasury and Federal Reserve Financial Assistance in Title IV of the CARES Act (P.L.116-136) Updated August 5, 2020: “The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act;H.R. 748)was signed into law as P.L. 116-136on March 27, 2020,to assist those affected by the economic impact of Coronavirus Disease 2019(COVID-19). This assistance is targeted to consumers,… Continue Reading

Senators Push for Continued Telework, Contractor Leave in COVID-19 Relief Talks

Government Executive: “As lawmakers continue negotiations over the next round of coronavirus response legislation, senators are pushing congressional leadership to include additional provisions protecting federal employees and contractors. In a July 31 letter, a bipartisan group of 22 senators, led by Sens. Chris Van Hollen, D-Md., and Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, urged Senate Majority Leader Mitch… Continue Reading

Special Inspector General for Pandemic Recovery: Responsibilities, Authority, and Appointment

CRS report via LC – Special Inspector General for Pandemic Recovery: Responsibilities, Authority, and Appointment. April 13, 2020: “The Coronavirus Aid, Recovery, and Economic Security (CARES) Act was enacted on March 27, 2020(P.L. 116-136). The CARES Act provides over $2 trillion in relief to individuals; businesses; state, local, and tribal government; federal agencies; and industry… Continue Reading

Coronavirus Brings American Decline Out in the Open

Bloomberg Opinion – Noah Smith: Without fixes for infrastructure, education, health care and government, the U.S. will resemble a developing nation in a few decades. “The U.S.’s decline started with little things that people got used to. Americans drove past empty construction sites and didn’t even think about why the workers weren’t working, then wondered… Continue Reading

Why Congress should look at Twitter and Facebook

MIT Technology Review: “If America’s politicians really care about the damage online platforms can do, they should look at online conspiracy theories—and how they’re made worse by the design of social media sites…Platforms have too much power to sway public opinion and influence behavior—and that directly affects our capacity to engage in deliberative debate and… Continue Reading

Employment Effects of Unemployment Insurance Generosity During the Pandemic

Employment Effects of Unemployment Insurance Generosity During the Pandemic. Joseph Altonji, Zara Contractor, Lucas Finamor, Ryan Haygood, Ilse Lindenlaub,  Costas Meghir, Cormac O’Dea, Dana Scott, Liana Wang, and Ebonya Washington, Tobin Center for Economic Policy Yale University. July 14, 2020. Abstract: “The CARES Act expanded unemployment insurance (UI) benefits by providing a $600 weekly payment… Continue Reading

How to watch John Lewis’s funeral and Barack Obama’s reported eulogy live online

FastCompany – “The private burial service for civil rights icon John Lewis takes place today in Atlanta. Lewis passed away earlier this month at the age of 80 from pancreatic cancer. Lewis was one of the most prominent civil rights icons from the 1960s onwards, and since then he has served in public office in… Continue Reading

Find a Member of Congress by Address on

In Custodia Legis: “In June, Margaret shared that we had added district maps to member profile pages on Each map on a member profile can be expanded to show a larger size version of the map. With today’s update to, we build upon the district maps by adding a new search box to help you… Continue Reading

Majority of Public Favors Giving Civilians the Power to Sue Police Officers for Misconduct

Pew – Little public support for cuts in spending on local policing – “With legislation to address racism and the use of excessive force by law enforcement stalled in Congress, there is broad public support in the United States for permitting citizens to sue police officers in order to hold them accountable for misconduct or… Continue Reading

Trump weakens environmental law to speed up permits for pipelines and other infrastructure

CNBC: “President Donald Trump on Wednesday finalized a rollback to the country’s landmark environmental law, the National Environmental Policy Act, by speeding up approval for federal projects like pipelines, highways and power plants.  NEPA was signed into law by President Richard Nixon 50 years ago and requires federal agencies to consider the environmental consequences of infrastructure projects before… Continue Reading

Federal workers are returning to the office

Washington Post – Some members of Congress say they shouldn’t be. “With the number of coronavirus cases increasing across much of the country, leading members of Congress on civil service issues are challenging orders by federal agencies for teleworking federal employees to return to their regular worksites. “I think we have to press the pause… Continue Reading

Programs to Collect Data on Law Enforcement Activities: Overview and Issues

CRS report via LC – Programs to Collect Data on Law Enforcement Activities: Overview and Issues, July 6, 2020: “The death of George Floyd in Minneapolis, MN,while he was in the custody of law enforcement, and several other recent high-profile deaths of African Americans at the hands of police,have generated interest in legislation to reform… Continue Reading